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TEALS (tool for evaluation of academic library spaces) project : Evaluating physical library spaces

Horn, A; Abbassi, N; Elkadi, HA; Owen, S


A Horn

N Abbassi

S Owen


The aim of the TEALS (Tool for Evaluation of Academic Library Spaces) project was to establish a setting for the evaluation of academic library spaces. The outcomes of such evaluation were anticipated to provide insights into the
impacts of library spaces on students’ learning experiences, faculty’s teaching and research and lead to identifying areas of weakness and strength, developing improvement plans and defining specific goals and means for project decision makers. TEALS was developed in three phases. In the first phase of Exploratory Research, the research and practice of library planning and design along with the existing library assessment tools were reviewed. In addition, eleven academic
libraries in Australia were visited. The literature review and site visits helped in identifying ten evidenced-based Criteria of Quality (CoQ) for effective and responsive library spaces. The CoQ were then linked to a number of Quality Indicators (QIs) and formed the basic elements of the TEALS framework. TEALS also included three types of data collection tools—Students’ Library Experience Survey, Observational Study Checklist and Library Staff Perception Survey—which facilitate scoring. In the second phase, Pilot Study, TEALS was trialled in Deakin University Library at Burwood campus, Melbourne, Australia. This trial of the TEALS package proved to be an obvious success providing critical information on the quality of library spaces, students’ experiences and levels of satisfaction with these spaces and library staff perceptions. The evaluation process was also found to be relatively straightforward and user-friendly. Finally, the findings of the pilot study helped in improving the package including modifications to the online survey instrument of Students’ Library Experience and development of a survey instrument for library staff and the final launch of TEALS.


Horn, A., Abbassi, N., Elkadi, H., & Owen, S. (2012, October). TEALS (tool for evaluation of academic library spaces) project : Evaluating physical library spaces. Presented at Library Assessment Conference : Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment, Charlottesville, Virginia

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Library Assessment Conference : Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment
Conference Location Charlottesville, Virginia
Start Date Oct 29, 2012
End Date Oct 31, 2012
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Jul 22, 2015
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Additional Information Event Type : Conference