Prof Jason Underwood
Prof Jason Underwood
OA Ayoade
F Khosrowshahi
D Greenwood
S Pittard
R Garvey
In May 2011 the Cabinet Office published the Government Construction Strategy, announcing the Government’s intention to require collaborative 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being digital) on its projects by 2016. Together with industry the UK Government has set out on a four year programme to reduce capital expenditure and the carbon burden from the construction and operation of the built environment by 20% through a modernisation of the sector. Such proposed transformation of the construction sector has significant implications for Built Environment education providers in ensuring they meet the demands required of future professionals. To this end, this study assessed the current position and associated challenges along with perspectives of BIM education in UK HE through surveys targeted at BIM-related Academic networks across the UK. Key areas focused on included:
- The definition of staff resource
- State of BIM in HEI (Higher Education Institutions).
- BIM adoption Strategy
- BIM awareness and associated issues
- Generation implications
Findings from the study indicated a nuanced appraisal of BIM readiness in UK HEIs. There are clear distinctions between the category of top performers and low performers concerning investigated concepts with clear defining parameters. However the disconnect between these two tiers exists in a state of inertia that is counterproductive to the overall strategic role/contributions of HEIs to the ongoing BIM digital revolution.
A BIM assessment matrix was developed from the key investigated issues. This represents an update to the optimum requirements for BIM teaching among HEIs in the UK. This update mapped additional crucial strategic considerations concerning BIM in HEIs.
Underwood, J., Ayoade, O., Khosrowshahi, F., Greenwood, D., Pittard, S., & Garvey, R. (2015). Current position and associated challenges of BIM education in UK higher education
Report Type | Project Report |
Publication Date | Mar 1, 2015 |
Deposit Date | Jun 16, 2015 |
ISBN | 9781907842641 |
Publisher URL | |
Development of an integrated BIM and lean maturity model
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