Dr Chris Coey C.T.A.Coey1@salford.ac.uk
University Fellows Development Manager
Making doctoral mobility work in and beyond the doctoral phase : lessons from experience
Coey, CTA; Ackers, HL
Prof Louise Ackers H.L.Ackers@salford.ac.uk
The paper we propose to present explores the experiences of doctorate holders who have undertaken international mobility for part or the whole of their doctoral phase. We draw on the experiences of a sample of over 2,500 survey respondents and 340 interviewees who took part in a 13-country study of the careers, impacts and mobilities of doctorate holders from across the social sciences and the humanities (POCARIM ). We outline the different types of doctoral mobility, and the different outcomes that were reported.
We then present an in-depth account of the factors which inhibited the positive outcomes with illustrative case studies of two formerly mobile PhD candidates: the first is someone who spent part of her PhD study phase another country; the second spent her entire candidature abroad before returning to her country of origin. The case studies reveal the importance of appropriate mechanisms for, firstly, embedding mobile doctoral candidates in the professional relationships and activities of host institutions; and, secondly, enabling access to networks and opportunities in countries of future or return mobility.
Our original research contributes to the understanding of the factors that not only hinder mobility but also enable it. Exploring mobility from the perspectives of formerly mobile doctoral candidates generates a powerful resource for policy makers to draw on to develop or enhance good practice.
Coey, C., & Ackers, H. (2014, June). Making doctoral mobility work in and beyond the doctoral phase : lessons from experience. Presented at 7th Annual Meeting of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education,: Doctoral Education: Thinking globally, acting locally’, University of Liverpool
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | 7th Annual Meeting of the EUA Council for Doctoral Education,: Doctoral Education: Thinking globally, acting locally’ |
Conference Location | University of Liverpool |
Start Date | Jun 19, 2014 |
End Date | Jun 20, 2014 |
Deposit Date | May 21, 2015 |
Keywords | science careers; Europe; ERA; mobility; internationalsiation; policy; doctoral education |
Additional Information | Event Type : Conference Funders : European Commission Projects : Mapping the Population, Careers, Mobilities and Impacts of Advanced Research Degree Graduates in the Social Sciences and Humanities (POCARIM) |
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