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The relationship between reductions in knee loading and immediate pain response whilst wearing lateral wedged insoles in knee osteoarthritis

Jones, RK; Chapman, GJ; Forythe, L; Parkes, MJ; Felson, DF

The relationship between reductions in knee loading and immediate pain response whilst wearing lateral wedged insoles in knee osteoarthritis Thumbnail


GJ Chapman

L Forythe

MJ Parkes

DF Felson


Studies of lateral wedge insoles (LWIs) in medial knee osteoarthritis (OA) have shown reductions in the average external knee adduction moment (EKAM) but no lessening of knee pain. Some treated patients actually experience increases in the EKAM which could explain the overall absence of pain response. We examined whether, in patients with painful medial OA, reductions in the EKAM were associated with lessening of knee pain. Each patient underwent gait analysis whilst walking in a control shoe and two LWI’s. We evaluated the relationship between change in EKAM and change in knee pain using Spearman Rank Correlation coefficients and tested whether dichotomising patients into biomechanical responders (decreased EKAM) and non-responders (increased EKAM) would identify those with reductions in knee pain. In 70 patients studied, the EKAM was reduced in both LWIs vs. control shoe (-5.21% and -6.29% for typical and supported wedges, respectively). The change in EKAM using LWIs was not significantly associated with the direction of knee pain change. Further, 54% were biomechanical responders, but these persons did not have more knee pain reduction than non-responders. Whilst LWIs reduce EKAM, there is no clearcut relationship between change in medial load when wearing LWIs and corresponding change in knee pain.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 16, 2014
Online Publication Date Jun 6, 2014
Publication Date Jun 6, 2014
Deposit Date Jun 6, 2014
Publicly Available Date May 24, 2017
Journal Journal of Orthopaedic Research
Print ISSN 0736-0266
Electronic ISSN 1554-527X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 32
Issue 9
Pages 1147-1154
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Funders : Arthritis Research UK;The Arthritis Research UK Centre of Excellence in Epidemiology;SILK Trial (ISRCTN)
Grant Number: 18676
Grant Number: 20380
Grant Number: 83706683


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