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Emerging pedagogies

Keegan, HL

Emerging pedagogies Thumbnail


HL Keegan


P Fraser

J Wardle


A characteristic of good media educators is their willingness to continually rethink their practice in the light of both classroom experience and the ever-changing nature of the media itself – from introducing different texts for analysis, to trying out new ways of using technologies. Indeed, media teachers constantly have to change their schemes of work and module handbooks to consider how institutional issues, the uses of media outside the classroom by their students and new texts might impact on ‘subject media’ and what they do in the classroom.

Helen Keegan’s chapter picks up where Jenkins left us, detailing her approach to emerging pedagogies in media education, highlighting a range of practices across multiple mobile online platforms through a series of case studies which describe how and why a Higher Education course can make use of social media in new and interesting ways.
Education institutions spend lots of money on technology, but rarely is it effectively integrated into practice for the learners. Keegan’s case studies, from her own teaching, draw upon the work of Henry Jenkins to put some of his ideas into practice. She shows how twitter hashtags can be used to move beyond the traditional ‘module’ and open up media education practice, how students switching roles and ‘technology genres’ challenges their assumptions and helps them to learn more about the changing context in which they will practice and how turning a module into an Alternate Reality Game enables a deeper understanding of issues around digital identity to take place. She injects a note of scepticism towards the end, however, as like other authors in this collection, she wonders whether the innovative pedagogy she has described necessarily works for all of the students all of the time.


Keegan, H. (2013). Emerging pedagogies. In P. Fraser, & J. Wardle (Eds.), Current Perspectives in Media Education. Palgrave Macmillan

Publication Date Aug 1, 2013
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2013
Publicly Available Date Jan 23, 2020
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Book Title Current Perspectives in Media Education
ISBN 9781137300201
Keywords media, education, digital, literacy, pedagogy, learning, teaching, twitter, openness, identity, social, participation, participatory media, participatory culture, Henry Jenkins,
Publisher URL
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