BA Tezel
Visual management : an exploration of the concept and its implementation in construction
Tezel, BA
P Tzortzopoulos-Fazenda
LJ Koskela
Visual Management (VM) is the managerial strategy of employing visual (sensory) tools
and aids in close-range communication at a workplace to increase the self-management
ability of the workforce. It is an important element of the Toyota Production System
(TPS), contributing to the reduction of waste and variability in the production system. The
Visual Management strategy increases transparency and pervasive information
availability in a work setting. Along with increased information availability, transparency
and better information flow, neat, orderly and transparent work settings can help improve
the image of the construction industry. The objective of this thesis is to better understand
the implementation of Visual Management in construction. The objective was explored
through the research questions in three stages. The first stage relates to the theoretical
constitution of the subject through a synthesis of the literature review, addressing the
research question of what Visual Management is. The second stage of the research was
conducted to investigate the state-of-the-art implementation of Visual Management in
construction, employing the case study research methodology at nine Brazilian
construction companies. In order to understand the level of Visual Management on
conventional construction sites, the final stage of the research was conducted in Finland,
using the case study research methodology and a survey. The functions of Visual
Management, the role of Visual Management in other managerial activities, the
implementation methods and characteristics of the Visual Management strategy in
construction, the conditions of Visual Management on conventional construction sites are
some of the findings of the research. The future Visual Management research and
implementation opportunities in construction are also discussed.
Thesis Type | Thesis |
Deposit Date | Oct 3, 2012 |
Award Date | Jan 1, 2011 |
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