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The impact of organisational culture on employees motivation : Libyan case study

Bubaker, NA


NA Bubaker


V Ahmed

G Aouad


At the end of 20' Century it was being commented that companies were changing their
organisational culture and placing greater emphasis on flexibility and efficiency, as
they were now expected to adapt to changing conditions cut costs in order to be
competitive. Organisational culture is a social control mechanism and at the same time
frames people's interpretations of organisational events and basic assumptions about
organisational processes. If there is widespread agreement about these basic
assumptions and values, in an organisation, behavioural consistency should increase
and lead to enhance organisational performance.
There is movement in Libya at the moment toward improvement in organisations, the
Government has introduced liberalisation^of the economy, and is creating stronger ties
with the Western world now that the sanctions have been lifted. This change is
exemplified by the greater scope allowed to private enterprise in the retail trade, smallscale
industries and agriculture. There has been research carried out by, (Al-Nakeeb
1985); Al-Saigh 1986; Agnaia 1997; and Al-Faleh 1999),into the ways that the
competitive nature of all Libyan organisations can be improved. This case study
however is the first that investigates the structure, behaviour and culture of a number of
Libyan organisations to discover any link with employees' motivational feelings, their
level of commitment and involvement as well as their sense of responsibility to the
organisations objective of increased performance.
This research employed a case study investigation of the organisational culture of two
public sector Libyan companies and a local private sector company, to discover any
link between organisational culture, corporate governance and employee's motivation
to be involved and committed to organisational objectives. The research was intended
to highlight any differences that exist between the organisational culture within a
typical Libyan public sector organisation, one that has, been influenced by western
management practices, and another, which operates as a private company.
In all of the organisations surveyed and in all of the others throughout Libya there must
be a greater emphasis on allowing employees to participate fully in the operation of the
organisation. Such a participative management style is the opposite of autocratic
management and can be defined as a system engaging employees as willing coproducers
of, valuable contributors to-, as well as co-owners of a better future. It
involves much more than sharing authority and decision making, for it actively seeks
employee inputs, allowing the employees to contribute to the resolution of work-related
issues. The basic idea of participation represents a shift toward sharing control and
power, founded on the assumptions that providing employees with more control,
information, and responsibility improves worker satisfaction and increases productivity.


Bubaker, N. The impact of organisational culture on employees motivation : Libyan case study. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Thesis Type Thesis
Deposit Date Oct 3, 2012
Award Date Jan 1, 2009

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