J Sheaffer
An integrated model of sound localisation in rooms
Sheaffer, J; Fazenda, BM
Human perception of sound localisation in enclosed spaces has been studied extensively from physiological as well as psychological perspectives. As it is not feasible to conduct some experiments in-situ, researchers have employed alternative methodologies to study sound localisation in a controlled environment. Traditionally, measured or synthetically generated binaural responses are used to produce stimuli for listening tests, or alternatively as inputs to various auditory models. In this paper we propose a single integrated framework for studying sound localisation in rooms, which is entirely based on modelling. The sound source and propagation of acoustic waves in a room are modelled using the Finite Difference Time Domain method which we have adapted to run on massively parallel graphics hardware, allowing for a more accurate simulation in high resolution. To obtain binaural impulse responses, laser-scans of human subjects are embedded in the modelled grid. The function of the peripheral auditory system is simulated using commonly available physiologically-inspired models. Processing of binaural cues in order to reach a localisation decision is accomplished using an analytically motivated model of cue selection based on interaural coherence. Resulting signals are then used as inputs to a decision maker based on a template-matching procedure. Finally, a model of across-frequency integration is applied in order to yield a single localisation judgement, similar to a listener in a forced choice test. It is shown that the entire integrated model can be used to predict localisation in complex listening situations in a psychoacoustically plausible manner. Emphasis is given to the ability of the model to perform in situations involving summing localisation, localisation dominance and acoustic echo. Applications to room-acoustics and spatial audio are also discussed.
Sheaffer, J., & Fazenda, B. (2012, September). An integrated model of sound localisation in rooms. Presented at Acoustics and Audio 2012, Ben Gurion University
Presentation Conference Type | Lecture |
Conference Name | Acoustics and Audio 2012 |
Conference Location | Ben Gurion University |
Start Date | Sep 13, 2012 |
Publication Date | Sep 13, 2012 |
Deposit Date | Sep 13, 2012 |
Publisher URL | http://www.ee.bgu.ac.il/~iaaa2012/ |
Additional Information | Event Type : Conference |
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