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Rethinking sustainable knowledge-based urbanism through active intermediation

Perry, B; May, T; Marvin, S; Hodson, M


B Perry

T May

S Marvin

M Hodson


HT Andersen

R Atkinson


This chapter critically examines the challenges for the development of new styles of urbanism that are not only sustainable but also knowledge-based. It is divided into three sections. In section one, dominant and alternative responses to the twin challenges of climate change and the knowledge economy are briefly examined. The chapter argues that existing knowledges and accepted wisdoms need to be unbundled and critically assessed to better understand how dominant models are developed and transferred and with what potential implications for cities and city-regions in different contexts. We argue that an alternative rebundling of a wider set of knowledges at the urban level is needed, to bring different social interests and visions together for a more sustainable urbanism to develop.

Online Publication Date Apr 25, 2013
Publication Date Apr 25, 2013
Deposit Date Jun 21, 2012
Publisher Springer
Pages 151-167
Book Title Production and Use of Urban Knowledge : European Experiences
ISBN 9789048189359;-9789048189366
Publisher URL
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