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Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements

Kerry, G; Waddington, DC

Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements Thumbnail


G Kerry


An overview is given of the uncertainties associated with environmental noise measurements. The uncertainty budget is introduced together with the concepts of reproducibility and repeatability. Meteorology is identified as being the most significant influence on measurement uncertainties affecting the generation, transmission and detection of environmental noise. An overview of the meteorological mechanisms affecting environmental noise measurements is given, together with rules of thumb for guidance when comprehensive meteorological data are not available. A detailed analysis is presented of the uncertainties associated with a BS4142 measurements performed on a real industrial situation. To illustrate the variability in environmental noise levels due to meteorology at distances typical to community noise problems, field trial data are presented correlating with measurements obtained using automatic weather stations, SODAR and LIDAR. Comparisons are made with predictions from CONCAWE and a general terrain parabolic equation program. Finally, current guidance is reviewed and suggestions made concerning practical environmental noise measurement.


Kerry, G., & Waddington, D. (2005, October). Considering uncertainty when performing environmental noise measurements. Presented at Institute of Acoustics Autumn Conference 2005, Oxford

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Institute of Acoustics Autumn Conference 2005
Conference Location Oxford
Start Date Oct 1, 2005
Deposit Date Feb 15, 2012
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Keywords environmental noise, propagation, uncertainty, measurement, acoustics
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
References : [1] A Good Practice Guide on the sources and magnitude of uncertainty arising in the practical measurement of environmental noise, N.J.Craven, G.Kerry University of Salford 2001, ISBN: 0-9541649-0-3 [2] Expression of Uncertainty and confidence in Measurement. UKAS publication M3003, 1997. [3] Beginner’s guide to Uncertainty of Measurement, NPL. Measurement Good Practice Guide No.11, S.Bell, NPL 1999. [4] Complex Impulse Response Correlation for the Study Of Outdoor Noise. EPSRC grant GR/S80431/01 [5] Vertical structures of wind, temperature, precipitation and turbulence and their influence will sound propagation. Weather or not…to measure, Leicester 2002, IOA publication 1170 [6] A systematic algorithm for obtaining SODAR wind profiles. Bradley, S. G. and S. von Hünerbein, Met. Atmos. Phys. (2003), 85(1-3):77-84 [7] On the accuracy of retrieved wind information from Doppler lidar observations, F. Davies, C.G. Collier, K.E. Bozier, and G.N. Pearson, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.,129, 2003. [8] Field trials of proposed procedure for the assessment of low frequency noise complaints, A.T.Moorhouse, D.C.Waddington, M.Adams, Defra Contract No NANR45 [9] BS 4142:1997, Method for Rating Industrial Noise Affecting Mixed Residential and Industrial Areas. [10] Condenser Microphones and Microphone Preamplifiers for Acoustic Measurements, Data Handbook 1982, Bruel & Kjaer [11] A Field Trial on the Influence of Range-Dependent Meteorology on Outdoor Sound Propagation, Y. W. Lam and D. C. Waddington, Proc. of the 11th International Symposium on Long Range Sound Propagation, Fairlee , VT , USA , 2004 [12] CONCAWE The propagation of noise from petroleum and petrochemical complexes to neighbouring communities. C.J.Manning, May 1981 [13] The Potential of Using a Ground Based Meteorology LIDAR for the Study of Range Dependent Outdoor Sound Propagation, Y. W. Lam, D. C. Waddington, Forum Acusticum 2005 [14] Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise- Part1: Basic quantities and assessment procedures ISO/DIS 1996-1 12.02.2001 [15] Acoustics – Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise- Part2: Basic quantities and assessment procedures, second ISO/DIS 1996-2 Determination of environmental noise levels, 21.05.2001 [16] Acoustics – Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors- Part 2: General method of calculation. ISO 9613-2, 1996. [17] A new method for prediction of the statistical acoustical footprint (SAF) using a meteorological database. M West & J Turton, Proc Internoise ’96, Institute of Acoustics


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