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Finding our way together: the story of a carer and service user forum

Wray, J

Finding our way together: the story of a carer and service user forum Thumbnail


J Wray


In 2010 the carer and service user forum in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Salford University celebrated its 5th Birthday. In addition to carers and service users the panel comprises academics, students and representatives from external organisations. There is a strong commitment both within the School to ensure that the voice of people (carers and service users) is heard so they can effectively contribute to finding ways in which their lives and their wellbeing can be improved. Working collaboratively with those that have the same strong commitment has been the bedrock of the forums success to date and together the forum has established a range of innovative approaches to service user and carer involvement in nurse education.
During a period of significant public policy development and evolving ideas of what it means to be ‘engaged’ in nurse education the forum has grown together not only to identify solutions to the challenges of a participatory approach but also to support, encourage and challenge each other and the institution in developing an innovative and unique model of collaboration.
Research indicates many different models of engagement within nurse education exist with varying degrees of purpose and impact. In seeking to attain impact in particular over the past 5years, 25student conferences have been delivered (reaching over 1,000 students), much learning has occurred and good practice developed. This workshop will provide an opportunity for carers, service users and academic members of the Salford forum to share their experiences and insights. The story will illustrate how the forum has developed a clear focus for its work, how members have recognised and resolved challenges, conflict and how trust, mutual respect and commitment have created a sense of a family with a shared purpose.
Aim: To provide insights into the experiences of carer and service user forum members involved in nurse education
Participants will:
1. hear the perspectives of different members of the forum
2. have the opportunity to question forum members
3. have the chance to discuss their own experiences and ideas
It is expected that the workshop team will comprise 1 carer, 1 service user, 1 academic, and 1 student (to be confirmed)

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Authenticity and Action Conference
Start Date Jun 22, 2011
Deposit Date Nov 8, 2011
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Additional Information Event Type : Conference


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