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Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons

Bostock, C; Christian, JM; McDonald, GS

Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons Thumbnail


C Bostock

JM Christian

GS McDonald


Multi-colour spatial solitons comprise localized optical components at distinct temporal frequencies [1]. The
components (which may be bright-like and dark-like) tend to overlap in space, thereby allowing the interplay
between linear spreading (diffraction) and nonlinear effects (self- and mutual-focusing) to result in an
electromagnetic structure with a stationary intensity pattern. Two-colour spatial solitons for a Kerr-type medium
were proposed by De La Fuenete and Barthelemy [2] within the context of an intuitive nonlinear Schrödinger model. Subsequent experiments, using continuous-wave (CW) laser light at red and green wavelengths, demonstrated that such mutually-trapped light beams could be generated in CS2 waveguides [3]. This opened up the possibility of multi-colour photonic device applications and architectures [4].
Here, we introduce a novel Helmholtz model for two-colour CW optical fields whose temporal frequency separation is similarly large. A key advantage of our approach is that it allows one full access to multicomponent geometries involving propagation at arbitrary angles and orientations with respect to the reference direction [5] – such considerations are central to off-axis configurations involving, for instance, beam multiplexing [6] and interface [7] scenarios. In contrast, classic paraxial models [2,3] capture angles (in the laboratory frame) that are negligibly, or near-negligibly, small [4]. The two-colour modulational instability problem can be solved in a range of physically relevant regimes. Bright-bright and bright-dark solitons are also reported, each of which having co-propagation and counter-propagation solution classes that are connected by geometrical transformation. Extensive computations [8] have confirmed the validity of analyses.


Bostock, C., Christian, J., & McDonald, G. Families of two-colour Helmholtz spatial solitons. Poster presented at Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC 11), University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC 11)
Conference Location University of Salford, Greater Manchester, UK
End Date Jun 9, 2011
Publication Date Jun 8, 2011
Deposit Date Oct 17, 2011
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
References : [1] P. B. Lindquist, D. R. Andersen, and Y. S. Kivshar, “Multicolor solitons due to four-wave mixing,” Phys. Rev. E 57, 3551 (1998). [2] R. De La Fuente and A. Barthelemy, “Spatial solitons pairing by cross phase modulation,”Opt. Commun. 88, 419 (1992). [3] M. Shalaby and A. J. Barthelemy, “Observation of the self-guided propagation of a dark and bright spatial soliton pair in a focusing nonlinear medium,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron.28, 2736 (1992). [4] H. T. Tran, R. A. Sammut, and W. Samir, “Interaction of self-guided beams of different frequencies,” Opt. Lett. 19, 945 (1994). [5] J. M. Christian, G. S. McDonald, and P. Chamorro-Posada, “Helmholtz-Manakov solitons,” Phys. Rev. E 74, art. no. 066612 (2006). [6] P. Chamorro-Posada and G. S. McDonald, “Spatial Kerr soliton collisions at arbitrary angles,” Phys. Rev. E 74, art. no. 036609 (2006). [7] J. Sánchez-Curto, P. Chamorro-Posada, and G. S. McDonald, “Helmholtz solitons at nonlinear interfaces,” Opt. Lett. 32, 1126 (2007). [8] P. Chamorro-Posada, G. S. McDonald, and G. H. C. New, “Nonparaxial beam propagation methods,” Opt. Commun. 192, 1 (2001).


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