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A universal nonparaxial refraction law for spatial solitons

Christian, JM; Mcdonald, GS; Bostock, C; McCoy, EA; Sanchez-Curto, J; Chamorro-Posada, P

A universal nonparaxial refraction law for spatial solitons Thumbnail


JM Christian

C Bostock

EA McCoy

J Sanchez-Curto

P Chamorro-Posada


The interaction of self-localizing and self-stabilizing wavepackets with interfaces is a fundamental nonlinear wave phenomenon. Indeed, interfaces play a crucial role as boundary conditions in a wide class of problem, ranging
from guided-wave optics in photonic architectures to water waves interacting with coastal structures. We consider scattering of spatial optical solitons at the planar boundary between dissimilar nonlinear materials. Our approach allows arbitrary angles of beam incidence, reflection and refraction (relative to the interface); conventional theories demand these angles (in the laboratory frame) be near-negligibly small. A range of analytical and semi-analytical methods is deployed in both domains, and respecting solution continuity at the boundary allows the derivation of a universal Snell’s law governing beam refraction. Numerical analysis, in combination with fast computational techniques, tests the validity of theoretical predictions. Given the universality of soliton phenomena, we expect the methods developed here to be applicable in other nonlinear-wave based systems.


Christian, J., Mcdonald, G., Bostock, C., McCoy, E., Sanchez-Curto, J., & Chamorro-Posada, P. (2011, July). A universal nonparaxial refraction law for spatial solitons. Presented at Waves 2011 - 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Vancouver, Canada

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Waves 2011 - 10th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves
Conference Location Vancouver, Canada
Start Date Jul 25, 2011
End Date Jul 29, 2011
Publication Date Jul 25, 2011
Deposit Date Oct 12, 2011
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference


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