Y Arayici
BIM adoption and implementation for architectural practices
Arayici, Y; Coates, SP; Koskela, LJ; Kagioglou, M; Usher, C; OReilly, K
Severe issues about data acquisition and management arise during the design creation and development due to complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a tool for a team based lean design approach towards improved architectural practice across the supply chain. However, moving from a CAD (Computer Aided Design) approach to BIM (Building Information Modelling) represents a fundamental change for individual disciplines and the construction industry as a whole. Although BIM has been implemented by large practices, it is not widely used by SMEs (Small and Medium Sized Enterprises).
Purpose: This paper aims to present a systematic approach for BIM implementation for Architectural SMEs at the organizational level
Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is undertaken through a KTP (Knowledge transfer Partnership) project between the University of Salford and John McCall Architects (JMA) a SME based in Liverpool. The overall aim of the KTP is to develop lean design practice through BIM adoption. The BIM implementation approach uses a socio-technical view which does not only consider the implementation of technology but also considers the socio-cultural environment that provides the context for its implementation. The action research oriented qualitative and quantitative research is used for discovery, comparison, and experimentation as it provides �learning by doing�.
Findings: The strategic approach to BIM adoption incorporated people, process and technology equally and led to capacity building through the improvements in process, technological infrastructure and upskilling of JMA staff to attain efficiency gains and competitive advantages.
Originality/Value: This paper introduces a systematic approach for BIM adoption based on the action research philosophy and demonstrates a roadmap for BIM adoption at the operational level for SME companies
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | Apr 25, 2011 |
Deposit Date | Mar 31, 2011 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 5, 2016 |
Journal | Structural Survey |
Print ISSN | 0263-080X |
Electronic ISSN | 1758-6844 |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 29 |
Issue | 1 |
Pages | 7-25 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1108/02630801111118377 |
Publisher URL | http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02630801111118377 |
Related Public URLs | http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=0263-080X&volume=29&issue=1 |
Accepted Version
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