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Waste and labor productivity in production planning case Finnish construction industry

Koskenvesa, A; Koskela, LJ; Tolonen, T; Sahlsted, S

Waste and labor productivity in production planning case Finnish construction industry Thumbnail


A Koskenvesa

LJ Koskela

T Tolonen

S Sahlsted


The main objective of this paper is to examine labor productivity and waste and their role in production planning and control in Finnish construction industry. Three hypothesis are tested: (1) the assumption that labor productivity concerning different construction work disciplines has developed very little in the last 30 years; (2) the amount of waste has stayed on a constant high level on sites in the Finnish construction industry; and (3) labor productivity does not develop because the initial information included in the production plans includes also waste as an accepted phenomenon.
A trend analysis of construction labor productivity is conducted over the period 1975-2008. Labor productivity and waste are examined through data from sites and Ratu-research (Finnish Construction Production Data on work methods and work rates). The results are examined along with prior international research findings on construction labor productivity, waste and production planning processes.
Although the data and sites, as well as the Ratu-research material, are Finnish, the results are internationally applicable and can be utilized and connected to modern ways of working anywhere. Evaluation and considerations made in this paper are followed by further work.


Koskenvesa, A., Koskela, L., Tolonen, T., & Sahlsted, S. (2010, July). Waste and labor productivity in production planning case Finnish construction industry. Presented at 18th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Haifa, Israel

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 18th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
Conference Location Haifa, Israel
Start Date Jul 14, 2010
End Date Jul 16, 2010
Publication Date Jul 14, 2010
Deposit Date Aug 18, 2010
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Keywords Labor productivity, Waste, Production planning, Ratu-files, Work rates
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Event Type : Conference
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