BA Tezel
Process transparency on construction sites : examples from construction companies in Brazil
Tezel, BA; Koskela, LJ; Tzortzopoulos, P; Formoso, C T; Alves, T; Neto, B; Viana, D; Mota, B
LJ Koskela
P Tzortzopoulos
C T Formoso
T Alves
B Neto
D Viana
B Mota
Process transparency is the core concept in Visual Management (VM), which is one of the founding blocks of the Toyota Production System. This paper presents the
preliminary results of a collaborative research conducted between Brazil and the UK, as part of a research effort focused on the application of Visual Management in
construction. How process transparency is realized on construction sites is the main research question of the paper. The use of this concept and the implementation of the
transparency theory were investigated through multiple case studies, carried out in nine different construction companies. The findings are explained through six theoretical transparency increasing approaches. The affecting parameters in the application of, the management’s perception of and several methods in process
transparency in construction were identified. Further work, especially exploring the functions of process transparency on construction sites and reflecting the worker perception of the issue, is necessary to elaborate the process transparency concept.
Presentation Conference Type | Other |
Conference Name | 18th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction |
Start Date | Jul 14, 2010 |
End Date | Jul 16, 2010 |
Publication Date | Jul 14, 2010 |
Deposit Date | Aug 17, 2010 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 5, 2016 |
Keywords | Process transparency, Visual Management, lean theory implementation |
Publisher URL | |
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Additional Information | Event Type : Conference References : Akinci, B., Fischer, M. and Kunz, J. (2002). “Automated Generation of Work Spaces Required by Construction Activities” J. of Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt., 128(4) 306-315. Arbulu, R., Ballard, G. and Harper, N. (2003). “Kanban in Construction” In Proceedings of the 11th IGLC Conference, Blacksburg, USA. 350-361. Bowen, D. E. and Lawler, E. E. (1992). “The Empowerment of Service Workers: What, Why, How, and When” Sloan Management Review, 33(3) 31-39. Formoso, C. T., Santos, A. D. and Powell, J. (2002). “An Exploratory Study on the Applicability of Process Transparency in Construction Sites” J. of Constr.Research, 3(1) 35-54. Galsworth, G. D. (1997). “Visual Systems: Harnessing the Power of Visual Workplace” AMACOM, New York, USA. Koskela, L. (1992). “Application of the New Production Philosophy to Construction” Technical Report, Stanford University, Stanford, USA. Lehto, M. R. and Buck, J. R. (2007). “Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics for Engineers” Taylor & Francis, London, UK. McCutcheon, D. M. and Meredith, J. R. (1993). “Conducting Case Study Research in Operations Management” J. of Operations Management, 11(3) 239-256. Moser, L. and Santos, A. D. (2003). “Exploring the Role of Visual Controls on Mobile Cell Manufacturing: A Case Study on Drywall Technology” Proceedings of the 11th IGLC Conference, Blacksburg, USA. 418-426. Tezel, A., Koskela, L and Tzortzopoulos, P. (2009). “The Functions of Visual Management” Proceedings of the International Research Symposium, Salford, UK. 201-219. Tezel, A., Koskela L. and Tzortzopoulos, P. (2010). “Visual Management in Construction: Study Report on Brazilian Cases” Technical Report, University of Salford, Salford, UK. Tommelein, I. D. (2008). “Poka-Yoke or Quality by Mistake Proofing Design and Construction Systems” Proceedings of the 16th IGLC Conference, Manchester, UK. 195-205. Ware, C. (2004). “Information Visualization: Perception for Design” Morgan Kaufmann, 2nd Ed., San Francisco, USA. Yin, R. K. (2003). “Case Study Research: Design and Methods” Sage, 3rd Ed., London, UK. |
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