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Information technology in construction: How to realise the benefits?

Koskela, LJ; Kazi, AS

Information technology in construction: How to realise the benefits? Thumbnail


LJ Koskela

AS Kazi


Advancement in the utilisation of computers has, in recent years, become a major, even dominating research and development target in the architecture, engineering and construction industry. However, in empirical investigations,
no major benefits accruingfrom construction IT have been found. Why do the many IT applications, which when separately analysed seem so well justified, fail to produce positive impacts when the totality of the construction project is analysed? The objective of this chapter is to find the explanation for this paradox and to provide initial guidelines as to what should be done to correct
the situation.


Koskela, L., & Kazi, A. (2003). Information technology in construction: How to realise the benefits?. In Socio-technical and human cognition elements of information systems (60-75). PA, USA: IGI Publishing Hershey

Publication Date Jan 1, 2003
Deposit Date Jun 22, 2010
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Pages 60-75
Book Title Socio-technical and human cognition elements of information systems
ISBN 1591401046
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