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Is agile project management applicable to construction?

Owen, R; Koskela, LJ; Henrich, G; Codinhoto, R

Is agile project management applicable to construction? Thumbnail


R Owen

LJ Koskela

G Henrich

R Codinhoto


This paper briefly summarises the evolution of Agile Project Management (APM) and differentiates it from lean and agile production and ‘leagile’ construction. The significant benefits being realized through employment of APM within the information systems industry are stated. The characteristics of APM are explored, including: philosophy, organizational attitudes and practices, planning, execution and control and learning. Finally, APM is subjectively assessed as to its potential contribution to the pre-design, design and construction phases.
In conclusion, it is assessed that APM offers considerable potential for application in predesign and design but that there are significant hurdles to its adoption in the actual construction phase. Should these be overcome, APM offers benefits well beyond any individual project.


Owen, R., Koskela, L., Henrich, G., & Codinhoto, R. (2006, July). Is agile project management applicable to construction?. Presented at 14th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction, Ponteficia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name 14th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
Conference Location Ponteficia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Start Date Jul 25, 2006
End Date Jul 27, 2006
Publication Date Jul 25, 2006
Deposit Date Jun 21, 2010
Publicly Available Date Apr 5, 2016
Keywords Agile, Project Management, Construction
Additional Information Event Type : Conference
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