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Improving the quality of learning through the promotion of deep learning in a knowledge orientated discipline

James, BW; Booth, KM; Donnelly, SE


BW James

KM Booth

SE Donnelly


Concern has been expressed that formal lecturing and examination methods produce
students with a surface approach to learning, rather than the deep approach, which,
since it is the basis of lifelong learning, is increasingly becoming an essential
transferable skill. With the aim of encouraging Level 1 university students to develop a
deeper learning approach changes were made to both the teaching method and the
examination paper for a Mechanics module. The cooperative learning approach of
Johnson et al (1991) was used to encourage interactive discussion between the
students and the lecturer. Student knowledge and deep learning index were assessed
pre- and post-module using the Force Concept Inventory and a Contrasted Groups
Learning Styles questionnaire. The students also completed the Learning Styles
Inventory to gain a picture of the distribution of learning styles. Qualitative information
about the reaction of both the lecturer and students to the changes was obtained using
a Focus Group Enquiry, Module Evaluative Questionnaires and reflective comments
from the lecturer. Although analysis of the quantitative data showed that there was no
discernible overall change in either the deep learning index or the FCI score of the
students, analysis of the qualitative data showed that experience of the module by
both students and lecturer had been greatly improved by the changes.


James, B., Booth, K., & Donnelly, S. Improving the quality of learning through the promotion of deep learning in a knowledge orientated discipline

Report Type Project Report
Deposit Date Jun 19, 2009
Additional Information Funders : Teaching and Learning Quality Improvement Scheme