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Using Blackboard to support students on engineering programmes

Laws, EM


EM Laws


The proposed TLQIS project relates to, but does not principally seek funding for, the extension of an initial pilot study already undertaken to other modules delivered in semester 2 of the academic year 2002-03. This pilot is designed to meet the needs of those students who are stimulated by the visual impact of the lecture material they are exposed to. It is also designed for those who require the opportunity to go over material more than once or at their own pace, before they can absorb new concepts. As part of the project, finding is sought for both a completion of the extensive evaluation of the pilot project which has already commenced in relation to the developments of semester 1 and a similar evaluation of the delivery of the new material in semester 2 which is planned.

This bid thus seeks funding to enable the analysis of data already collected or to be collected, beyond the intensity of normal module evaluation, and intended to provide formative action research insights into effective teaching for concept learning.


Laws, E. Using Blackboard to support students on engineering programmes

Report Type Project Report
Deposit Date Jun 15, 2009
Publicly Available Date Jun 15, 2009
Additional Information Funders : Teaching and Learning Quality Improvement Scheme


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