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Exploring the use of local consistency measures as thresholds for dead reckoning update packet generation

Delaney, D; Marshall, D; McLoone, S; Roberts, DJ; Aspin, R; Ward, T


D Delaney

D Marshall

S McLoone

DJ Roberts

R Aspin

T Ward


Human-to-human interaction across distributed applications requires that sufficient consistency be maintained among participants in the face of network characteristics such as latency and limited bandwidth. Techniques and approaches for reducing bandwidth usage can minimize network delays by reducing the network traffic and therefore better exploiting available bandwidth. However, these approaches induce inconsistencies within the level of human perception. Dead reckoning is a well-known technique for reducing the number of update packets transmitted between participating nodes. It employs a distance threshold for deciding when to generate update packets. This paper questions the use of such a distance threshold in the context of absolute consistency and it highlights a major drawback with such a technique. An alternative threshold criterion based on time and distance is examined and it is compared to the distance only threshold. A drawback with this proposed technique is also identified and a hybrid threshold criterion is then proposed. However, the trade-off between spatial and temporal inconsistency remains.


Delaney, D., Marshall, D., McLoone, S., Roberts, D., Aspin, R., & Ward, T. Exploring the use of local consistency measures as thresholds for dead reckoning update packet generation. Presented at Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, Montreal, QC, Canada

Presentation Conference Type Other
Conference Name Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications
Conference Location Montreal, QC, Canada
End Date Oct 12, 2005
Online Publication Date Nov 14, 2005
Publication Date Oct 12, 2005
Deposit Date Jan 7, 2009
Book Title Ninth IEEE International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications
ISBN 0769524621
Publisher URL
Additional Information Event Type : Conference