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A machine learning classification model for monitoring the daily physical behaviour of lower-limb amputees

Griffiths, BN; Diment, L; Granat, MH

A machine learning classification model for monitoring the daily physical behaviour of lower-limb amputees Thumbnail


BN Griffiths

L Diment


M Sacchetti


There are currently limited data on how prosthetic devices are used to support lower-limb prosthesis users in their free-living environment. Possessing the ability to monitor a patient’s physical behaviour while using these devices would enhance our understanding of the impact of different prosthetic products. The current approaches for monitoring human physical behaviour use a single thigh or wrist-worn accelerometer, but in a lower-limb amputee population, we have the unique opportunity to embed a device within the prosthesis, eliminating compliance issues. This study aimed to develop a model capable of accurately classifying postures (sitting, standing, stepping, and lying) by using data from a single shank-worn accelerometer. Free-living posture data were collected from 14 anatomically intact participants and one amputee over three days. A thigh worn activity monitor collected labelled posture data, while a shank worn accelerometer collected 3-axis acceleration data. Postures and the corresponding shank accelerations were extracted in window lengths of 5–180 s and used to train several machine learning classifiers which were assessed by using stratified cross-validation. A random forest classifier with a 15 s window length provided the highest classification accuracy of 93% weighted average F-score and between 88 and 98% classification accuracy across all four posture classes, which is the best performance achieved to date with a shank-worn device. The results of this study show that data from a single shank-worn accelerometer with a machine learning classification model can be used to accurately identify postures that make up an individual’s daily physical behaviour. This opens up the possibility of embedding an accelerometer-based activity monitor into the shank component of a prosthesis to capture physical behaviour information in both above and below-knee amputees. The models and software used in this study have been made open source in order to overcome the current restrictions of applying activity monitoring methods to lower-limb prosthesis users.


Griffiths, B., Diment, L., & Granat, M. (2021). A machine learning classification model for monitoring the daily physical behaviour of lower-limb amputees. Sensors, 21(22), e7458.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 5, 2021
Publication Date Nov 10, 2021
Deposit Date Nov 12, 2021
Publicly Available Date Nov 12, 2021
Journal Sensors
Publisher MDPI
Volume 21
Issue 22
Pages e7458
Publisher URL
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Additional Information Additional Information : ** From MDPI via Jisc Publications Router ** Licence for this article: **Journal IDs: eissn 1424-8220 **History: published 10-11-2021; accepted 05-11-2021
Funders : Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC);National Institute for Health Research (NIHR);Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;National Institute for Health Research
Projects : A Step Change in LMIC Prosthetics Provision through Computer Aided Design, Actimetry and Database Technologies;EP/R014213/1;Global Challenges Research Fund
Grant Number: EP/R014213/1


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