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Emerging findings: a qualitative study of women aged 60 and over

Edge, Clare



Recent evidence suggests life stress accumulation over the life course disproportionately negatively impacts wellbeing, cognition and health in older women. Older women across Europe have been shown to have more diverse and less regular employment histories than men3, and have been shown to face significant challenges as older women in navigating their work life balance. Furthermore, in the UK, women’s pension age has recently been harmonized. Older women are more likely to extend their working life and are disproportionately affected by inequalities across the life course. A range of themes were found that support previous findings in respect of the barriers and facilitators of workplace wellbeing . New emerging evidence in the current study builds on this specifically in highlighting the need to explore flexible working practices that can be implemented to support older women’s workplace wellbeing across the life course and that women’s health and wellbeing needs more attention. This mirrors the research around sickness absence and wellbeing highlighted in the background literature


Edge, C. (2023, June). Emerging findings: a qualitative study of women aged 60 and over. Poster presented at Occupational Health 2023 Conference, Newcastle University

Presentation Conference Type Poster
Conference Name Occupational Health 2023 Conference
Conference Location Newcastle University
Start Date Jun 12, 2023
End Date Jun 15, 2023
Deposit Date Oct 18, 2023

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