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Finding your tribe - how cross institutional collaboration fosters creative connections to boost learning and teaching in a pandemic

Hunter, Anna; Nerantzi, Chrisss; Withnell, Neil; Gillaspy, Emma; Sinfield, Sandra; O'Brien, Rachel; Tasler, Nathalie


Anna Hunter

Chrisss Nerantzi

Emma Gillaspy

Sandra Sinfield

Rachel O'Brien

Nathalie Tasler


The #creativeHE community was developed with the purpose of
drawing people together to support and develop creative learning,
teaching and research practices in HE (Nerantzi et al, 2016). From the
beginning, the community had an online presence and space for
ongoing discussions that attracted a wide range of practitioners and
students; but until 2020, community events were largely held in faceto-face settings, hosted by partners based in Universities in the North of
England. In response to the pandemic, the community shifted all
activities online, and as a result has grown exponentially to include
colleagues from all over the world in our regular online events coorganised by our distributed and international team. This workshop will
explore the ways in which the #creativeHE community has used digitally
inclusive approaches to sustain and grow the community remotely.
Members of the team will share the cross-institutional and
collaborative nature of the community, how we work together, and the
impact this has on engagement, growth and practice. The team will
engage delegates in activities to reflect on their own practice and
consider opportunities to open-up and adopt cross-institutional
approaches to finding their tribes


Hunter, A., Nerantzi, C., Withnell, N., Gillaspy, E., Sinfield, S., O'Brien, R., & Tasler, N. (2021, July). Finding your tribe - how cross institutional collaboration fosters creative connections to boost learning and teaching in a pandemic. Presented at 19th Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT2021), London School of Economics & Political Science, Imperial College London and University College London

Presentation Conference Type Speech
Conference Name 19th Academic Practice and Technology Conference (APT2021)
Conference Location London School of Economics & Political Science, Imperial College London and University College London
Start Date Jul 2, 2021
End Date Jul 2, 2021
Deposit Date Jan 15, 2024
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