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Investigating the Dose Response of UAS Noise: Designing a Listening Experiment

Green, N.; Ramos-Romero, C.; Torija Martinez, A.J.

Investigating the Dose Response of UAS Noise: Designing a Listening Experiment Thumbnail


N. Green


In collaboration with the UK Civil Aviation Authority, the University of Salford is carrying out research to better understand the human perception and dose response of Unmaned Aerial Systems (UAS) noise. A listening experiment has been conducted to investigate the perception, both in terms of perceived annoyance and loudness, of a number of UAS flyovers in comparison with more familiar sources of transportation noise such as civil aircraft, helicopters and road vehicles. This experiment is divided into two parts: Part 1 investigates the noise perception of a series of flyovers, or pass-bys, for each of these transportation vehicles; and Part 2 provides participants with pairs of sounds at standardised sound levels to compare perceived annoyance and loudness of UAS sounds with civil aircraft, helicopter and road vehicle sounds. This paper will focus on a detailed description of the development and planning of the listening experiment, and the description of some preliminary results. The findings of this experiment are expected aid the derivation of penalties or relaxations (compared to other transportation noise sources) which could be applied to UAS noise to inform appropriate environmental noise impact assessment metrics.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023
Acceptance Date Aug 7, 2023
Online Publication Date Jan 17, 2024
Deposit Date Feb 21, 2024
Publicly Available Date Feb 21, 2024
Journal Proceedings of the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed


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