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Temporal Development of Autonomic Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Effects of Age in an Ovine Rapid-pacing Model.

Horn, Margaux A.; MA, Horn; Bode, Elizabeth F.; EF, Bode; Borland, Samantha J.; SJ, Borland; Kirkwood, Graeme J.; GJ, Kirkwood; Briston, Sarah J.; SJ, Briston; Richards, Mark A.; MA, Richards; Dibb, Katharine M.; KM, Dibb; Trafford, Andrew W.; AW, Trafford

Temporal Development of Autonomic Dysfunction in Heart Failure: Effects of Age in an Ovine Rapid-pacing Model. Thumbnail


Margaux A. Horn

Horn MA

Elizabeth F. Bode

Bode EF

Borland SJ

Graeme J. Kirkwood

Kirkwood GJ

Sarah J. Briston

Briston SJ

Mark A. Richards

Richards MA

Katharine M. Dibb

Dibb KM

Andrew W. Trafford

Trafford AW


Heart failure (HF) is predominantly a disease of older adults and characterized by extensive sympatho-vagal imbalance leading to impaired reflex control of heart rate (HR). However, whether aging influences the development or extent of the autonomic imbalance in HF remains unclear. To address this, we used an ovine model of aging with tachypacing-induced HF to determine whether aging affects the chronotropic and inotropic responses to autonomic stimulation and reduction in heart rate variability (HRV) in HF. We find that aging is associated with increased cardiac dimensions and reduced contractility before the onset of tachypacing, and these differences persist in HF. Additionally, the chronotropic response to β-adrenergic stimulation was markedly attenuated in HF, and this occurred more rapidly in aged animals. By measuring HR during sequential autonomic blockade, our data are consistent with a reduced parasympathetic control of resting HR in aging, with young HF animals having an attenuated sympathetic influence on HR. Time-domain analyses of HR show a reduction in HRV in both young and aged failing animals, although HRV is lowest in aged HF. In conclusion, aging is associated with altered autonomic control and β-adrenergic responsiveness of HR, and these are exacerbated with the development of HF.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 9, 2015
Online Publication Date Dec 26, 2015
Publication Date 2015-12
Deposit Date Aug 20, 2024
Publicly Available Date Sep 18, 2024
Journal The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
Print ISSN 1079-5006
Electronic ISSN 1758-535X
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 71
Issue 12
Pages 1544-1552
PMID 26707382


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