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A simulation method for measuring building physics properties

Jankovic, Ljubomir




Designing building energy performance with confidence requires accurate information on the properties of building materials and on assemblies of these materials. However, thermal properties of the building in use are rarely compared to manufacturers’ specifications. The approach reported in this paper determines building thermal properties using simulations of dynamic heating tests. It replaces the need for physical tests with the actual buildings, by conducting these tests with calibrated simulation models using data from energy performance monitoring of that building during its normal operation. The resultant method represents a tool for establishing physics properties of buildings in use before and after retrofit, and facilitates quality control of retrofit projects. The results pinpoint major discrepancies between theoretical and actual thermal properties before and after the retrofit, giving practical guidance for safety margins in relation to technical specifications of building material properties and re-evaluation of corresponding technical specifications.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Building Simulation 2019: 16th Conference of IBPSA
Publication Date 2019
Deposit Date Oct 11, 2024
Journal Building Simulation Conference Proceedings
Pages 249-256
ISBN 9781775052012