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Meshfree Radial Basis Function Pseudo-Spectral Computation of Nano-fuels in Triple-layer Magnetic Interfacial Flow

Beg, Osman; Chandrawat, Rajesh Kumar; Bhatia, Gurpreet Singh; Kumar, Deepak; Kuharat, Sireetorn


Rajesh Kumar Chandrawat

Gurpreet Singh Bhatia

Deepak Kumar


Nano-energetic materials, which release high amounts of energy at the nanoscale, have shown great potential in thermal management and energy storage. We explore the potential of using CuO,Al¬_2 O_3,Ag,and TiO_2 nanoparticles to improve heat transfer in hydromagnetic fully developed horizontal duct flow arising in e.g. nano-battery configurations via elevation in thermal conductivity. The duct comprises three layers - nanofluid, Saffman fluid and Newtonian viscous fluid. We examine the influence of the lower nanofluid on transport phenomena within the intermediate Saffman dusty fluid and upper Newtonian fluid strata, with steady, oscillating and decaying pressure gradients. Lorentz magnetic body force, ion slip and Hall current effects are incorporated. A 2-D model is formulated using coupled partial differential equations with appropriate wall and interfacial boundary conditions. The nonlinear boundary value problem is solved numerically with a meshfree radial basis function pseudo-spectral method. In the lower nanofluid stratum, Al¬_2 O_3 nanoparticles are selected with an EG-water base fluid. A parametric study of the impact of key parameters on thermofluid characteristics is conducted. Validation with a differential quadrature method (DQM) is included. Al¬_2 O_3 nanoparticles in the lower region of the duct, significantly modify transport characteristics of both the middle and upper zones of dusty and Newtonian fluids.

Deposit Date Oct 18, 2024
Publisher Routledge
Pages 149-187
Book Title Eco-Materials and Green Energy for a Sustainable Future
Publisher URL
Contract Date Oct 11, 2024