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Integrating susceptibility maps of multiple hazards and building exposure distribution: a case study of wildfires and floods for the province of Quang Nam, Vietnam

Luu, Chinh; Forino, Giuseppe; Yorke, Lynda; Ha, Hang; Bui, Quynh Duy; Tran, Hanh Hong; Nguyen, Dinh Quoc; Duong, Hieu Cong; Kervyn, Matthieu

Integrating susceptibility maps of multiple hazards and building exposure distribution: a case study of wildfires and floods for the province of Quang Nam, Vietnam Thumbnail


Chinh Luu

Lynda Yorke

Hang Ha

Quynh Duy Bui

Hanh Hong Tran

Dinh Quoc Nguyen

Hieu Cong Duong

Matthieu Kervyn


Natural hazards have serious impacts worldwide on society, economy, and environment. In Vietnam, through- out the years, natural hazards have caused significant loss of lives as well as severe devastation to houses, crops, and trans- portation. This research presents a new approach to multi- hazard (floods and wildfires) exposure estimates using ma- chine learning models, Google Earth Engine, and spatial analysis tools for a typical case study in the province of Quang Nam in Central Vietnam. A geospatial database is built for multiple-hazard modeling, including an inventory of climate-related hazards (floods and wildfires), topography, geology, hydrology, climate features (temperature, rainfall, wind), land use, and building data for exposure assessment. The susceptibility of each hazard is first modeled and then in- tegrated into a multi-hazard exposure matrix to demonstrate a hazard profiling approach to multi-hazard risk assessment. The results are explicitly illustrated for flood and wildfire hazards and the exposure of buildings. Susceptibility mod- els using the random forest approach provide model accu- racy of AUC (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve) = 0.882 and 0.884 for floods and wildfires, respec- tively. The flood and wildfire hazards are combined within a semi-quantitative matrix to assess the building exposure to different hazards. Digital multi-hazard exposure maps of floods and wildfires aid the identification of areas exposed to climate-related hazards and the potential impacts of haz- ards. This approach can be used to inform communities and regulatory authorities on where to develop and implement long-term adaptation solutions.


Luu, C., Forino, G., Yorke, L., Ha, H., Bui, Q. D., Tran, H. H., …Kervyn, M. (2024). Integrating susceptibility maps of multiple hazards and building exposure distribution: a case study of wildfires and floods for the province of Quang Nam, Vietnam. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24, 4385-4408.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 7, 2024
Online Publication Date Dec 5, 2024
Publication Date Dec 5, 2024
Deposit Date Dec 5, 2024
Publicly Available Date Dec 5, 2024
Print ISSN 1561-8633
Publisher European Geosciences Union
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Pages 4385-4408


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