Tayo Ajisope
'Enabling Urban Agriculture in the Global North and South: A Comparative Study of the UK and Nigeria' by Tayo Ajisope
Ajisope, Tayo
SPARC 2021 Poster No. 30
With urban populations rising and an estimated 10 billion people on the planet by 2050, there is an urgent need for more food-resilient cities. In hand with this population rise, it is expected that some 70% of people will live in cities. The coronavirus pandemic has put further strain on the global food systems due to the restriction of movement, which has disrupted movement of people and products causing a significant reduction in access to agricultural labour. The practice of Urban Agriculture (UA) has been relatively successful in the Global North (GN), but the situation is different in the Global South (GS) due to limitations such as policy changes, urban planning, and land availability. Generally, UA has a long history in the GS, however, formal UA is still scarce. This research appraises UA activity in the GN and GS, exploring existing practices and future potential in the UK and Nigeria, particularly about upscaling practice. The research adopts a qualitative research methodology to critically compare approachesto city food growing in both locations. Some clear indications show inadequate enlightenment on new UA methods in the GS, non-inclusion of UA in planning and zoning and absence of favourable policies supporting UA. Data collected from both locations will help to provide a detailed assessment and an understanding of the impact of UA on food security and sufficiency.
Online Publication Date | Jun 22, 2021 |
Publication Date | Jun 22, 2021 |
Deposit Date | Feb 6, 2025 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.17866/rd.salford.14815143.v1 |
Publisher URL | https://salford.figshare.com/articles/poster/_Enabling_Urban_Agriculture_in_the_Global_North_and_South_A_Comparative_Study_of_the_UK_and_Nigeria_by_Tayo_Ajisope/14815143 |
Collection Date | Jun 22, 2021 |
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