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CNT basics and characteristics

Ghasempour, Roghayeh; Narei, Hamid


Roghayeh Ghasempour


R. Ghasempour


This chapter provides a brief introduction to carbon, a historical review of carbon nanotube (CNT) research, and an overview of the physical properties of CNTs. It also describes the basic definitions relevant to the structure of CNTs and some techniques employed for their morphological and structural characterization. An ideal CNT can be considered topologically as a sheet of hexagonal-shaped carbon atoms rolled up to make a seamless hollow cylinder and conceptually as a prototype one-dimensional quantum wire. The intriguing anisotropic properties of CNTs have offered both scientists and engineers a powerful incentive to conduct a plethora of researches and experiments on the various facets of CNTs over the past decades. To benefit enormously from the fascinating properties of CNTs, it is of utmost importance that a proper understanding of their structure is developed. Another prerequisite to experimentally dealing with CNTs is the knowledge of selecting and using proper techniques to characterize CNTs morphologically and structurally based on preferred results and experiment conditions.

Publication Date Jan 5, 2018
Deposit Date Feb 8, 2025
Publisher Elsevier
ISBN 978-0-323-48221-9