Harpy: a manifesto for childfree women
All Outputs (3)
Northern Irish writing after the Troubles : intimacies, affects, pleasures (2021)
Magennis, C. (2021). Northern Irish writing after the Troubles : intimacies, affects, pleasures. Bloomsbury. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781350074750The period since the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 has seen a sustained decrease in violence and, at the same time, Northern Ireland has undergone a literary renaissance, with a fresh generation of writers exploring innovative literary forms. This bo... Read More about Northern Irish writing after the Troubles : intimacies, affects, pleasures.
Sons of Ulster (2011)
Magennis, C. (2011). Sons of Ulster. Peter Lang. https://doi.org/10.3726/978-3-0353-0043-7Both masculinity and the Northern Irish conflict have been the subjects of a great deal of recent scholarship, yet there is a dearth of material on Northern Irish masculinity. Northern Ireland has a remarkable literary output relative to its populati... Read More about Sons of Ulster.