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All Outputs (14)

Aerodynamics and wake flow characteristics of a four-cylinder cluster (2023)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Inam, S., Lasagna, D., & Xie, Z. (2023). Aerodynamics and wake flow characteristics of a four-cylinder cluster. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion,

The aerodynamic behaviour and wake flow of a cluster of two-dimensional sharp-edged bluff bodies exhibits extremely complex unsteady phenomena in both near and far fields. Due to the high cost of wind-tunnel experiments and numerical simulations, a c... Read More about Aerodynamics and wake flow characteristics of a four-cylinder cluster.

Aerodynamics and Wake Flow Characteristics of a Four-Cylinder Cluster (2023)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Inam, S., Lasagna, D., & Xie, Z. (2023). Aerodynamics and Wake Flow Characteristics of a Four-Cylinder Cluster. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110,

The aerodynamic behaviour and wake flow of a cluster of two-dimensional sharp-edged bluff bodies exhibits extremely complex unsteady phenomena in both near and far fields. Due to the high cost of wind-tunnel experiments and numerical simulations, a c... Read More about Aerodynamics and Wake Flow Characteristics of a Four-Cylinder Cluster.

Wind tunnel measurements of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 3:2 rectangular cylinder including non-Gaussian and non-stationary features (2021)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Nguyen, D., Owen, J., & Hargreaves, D. (2022). Wind tunnel measurements of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 3:2 rectangular cylinder including non-Gaussian and non-stationary features. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 220, 104826.

This paper presents a wind tunnel investigation of the aerodynamic characteristics (force and pressure coefficients) of a static 3:2 rectangular cylinder in smooth flow for angles of attack between and at various values of Reynolds number. In contr... Read More about Wind tunnel measurements of the aerodynamic characteristics of a 3:2 rectangular cylinder including non-Gaussian and non-stationary features.

Meshfree analysis of functionally graded plates with a novel four-unknown arctangent exponential shear deformation theory (2021)
Journal Article

A novel refined arctangent exponential shear deformation theory (RAESDT) is presented for analysis the mechanical behavior of both isotropic and sandwich FGM plates. Material properties are set to be isotropic at each point and varied across the thic... Read More about Meshfree analysis of functionally graded plates with a novel four-unknown arctangent exponential shear deformation theory.

Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam (2020)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Owen, J., Franke, J., Neves, L., & Hargreaves, D. (2021). Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 208, 10441.

This paper addresses the need to revise the current Vietnamese design wind map by proposing a new typhoon wind map for the country, based on Monte Carlo simulations of typhoon tracks in the North West Pacific basin. Using historical typhoon data from... Read More about Typhoon track simulations in the North West Pacific : informing a new wind map for Vietnam.

Predicted aerodynamic damping of slender single beam structures in across-wind vibrations (2020)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., & Nguyen, D. (2020). Predicted aerodynamic damping of slender single beam structures in across-wind vibrations. Acta mechanica Sinica = Li xue xue bao / the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 36(5), 990-998.

The paper presents a generalization of the conventional analytical approach where the quasi-steady theory is utilised to evaluate the across-wind aerodynamic damping of slender single beam structures. This generalized theory considers the variation o... Read More about Predicted aerodynamic damping of slender single beam structures in across-wind vibrations.

Mitigating large vibrations of stayed cables in wind and rain hazards (2020)
Journal Article
Vo-Duy, H., & Nguyen, C. (2020). Mitigating large vibrations of stayed cables in wind and rain hazards. Shock and Vibration, 2020, 5845712.

This paper presents an experimental investigation of stayed cable vibrations in dry-wind and rain-wind coupling hazards. To mitigate large vibrations of the cable, the use of spiral wires wrapped around the cable is proposed. By testing two cable mod... Read More about Mitigating large vibrations of stayed cables in wind and rain hazards.

Non-across-wind galloping of a square-section cylinder (2020)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Macdonald, J., & Cammelli, S. (2020). Non-across-wind galloping of a square-section cylinder. Meccanica, 55(6), 1333-1345.

This paper presents new insights on the galloping instability phenomenon of square-section prisms. The role of the orientation of the structural axes on the galloping response is studied through wind tunnel tests and quasi-steady theory. A new series... Read More about Non-across-wind galloping of a square-section cylinder.

Galloping analysis of a stay cable with an attached viscous damper considering complex modes (2017)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., & Macdonald, J. (2018). Galloping analysis of a stay cable with an attached viscous damper considering complex modes. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 144(2), 04017175.

The use of viscous dampers to mitigate cable vibrations on cable-stayed bridges is very popular. A viscous damper attached to a stay cable results in complex mode shapes. Such complexity could affect the dynamic stability of the cable under wind acti... Read More about Galloping analysis of a stay cable with an attached viscous damper considering complex modes.

Galloping of an elliptical cylinder at the critical Reynolds number and its quasi-steady prediction (2017)
Journal Article
Ma, W., Macdonald, J., Liu, Q., Nguyen, C., & Liu, X. (2017). Galloping of an elliptical cylinder at the critical Reynolds number and its quasi-steady prediction. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 168, 110-122.

Dry galloping of inclined cables has been shown to have a strong relation to the critical Reynolds number. This study considers the occurrence of galloping of an elliptical cylinder at the critical Reynolds number under normal wind and assesses the q... Read More about Galloping of an elliptical cylinder at the critical Reynolds number and its quasi-steady prediction.

Experimental investigation of the aeroelastic behavior of a complex prismatic element (2015)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Freda, A., Solari, G., & Tubino, F. (2015). Experimental investigation of the aeroelastic behavior of a complex prismatic element. Wind and Structures, 20(5), 683-699.

Lighting poles and antenna masts are typically high, slender and light structures. Moreover, they are often characterized by distributed eccentricities that make very complex their shape. Experience teaches that this structural type frequently suffer... Read More about Experimental investigation of the aeroelastic behavior of a complex prismatic element.

Aeroelastic instability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts (2015)
Journal Article
Nguyen, C., Freda, A., Solari, G., & Tubino, F. (2015). Aeroelastic instability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts. Engineering Structures, 85, 264-276.

This paper presents analytical and experimental investigations aimed at evaluating the aeroelastic instability and wind-excited response of slender vertical cantilever structures, in particular complex lighting poles and antenna masts with distribute... Read More about Aeroelastic instability and wind-excited response of complex lighting poles and antenna masts.