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All Outputs (96)

Simulated performance of an energy storage and return prosthetic ankle based on cams and miniature hydraulics (2022)
Journal Article
Pace, A., Gardiner, J., Kenney, L., & Howard, D. (2022). Simulated performance of an energy storage and return prosthetic ankle based on cams and miniature hydraulics. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics,

Prosthetic feet are limited in their ability to mimic the energy-recycling behaviour of an intact ankle, negatively affecting lower-limb amputees’ gait in terms of metabolic cost and walking speed. To overcome these weaknesses, a novel prosthetic ank... Read More about Simulated performance of an energy storage and return prosthetic ankle based on cams and miniature hydraulics.

Effects of a modified passive socket system on short-term changes in residuum volume and comfort: A preliminary study in transtibial amputees (2021)
Journal Article
Atallah, H., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Liu, A., & Head, J. (2021). Effects of a modified passive socket system on short-term changes in residuum volume and comfort: A preliminary study in transtibial amputees. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 46(1), 54-60.

Background: Changes in residuum volume are a common problem in lower-limb amputees during prosthesis usage, and can lead to poor suspension, impaired gait, and tissue damage. Residuum volume can be affected by the in-socket air pressure, which will i... Read More about Effects of a modified passive socket system on short-term changes in residuum volume and comfort: A preliminary study in transtibial amputees.

Data associated with Prince M et al. A pin-array method for capturing tissue deformation under defined pressure distributions and its application to prosthetic socket design (2020)

This is the data associated with: Prince M, Kenney L, Howard D. A pin-array method for capturing tissue deformation under defined pressure distributions and its application to prosthetic socket design. Med Eng Phys. 2020; 84: 136-143.
The Excel file... Read More about Data associated with Prince M et al. A pin-array method for capturing tissue deformation under defined pressure distributions and its application to prosthetic socket design.

A pin-array method for capturing tissue deformation under defined pressure distributions and its application to prosthetic socket design (2020)
Journal Article

The Fit4Purpose project aims to develop upper limb prosthetic devices which are suitable for deployment in lower- and middle-income countries (LMIC's). Open-frame trans-radial socket designs are being considered, formed of several, linked components,... Read More about A pin-array method for capturing tissue deformation under defined pressure distributions and its application to prosthetic socket design.

A three-site clinical feasibility study of a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support functional task practice for upper limb recovery in people with stroke (2019)
Journal Article

Introduction: Of those people who survive a stroke, only between 40 and 70% regain upper limb dexterity. A number of reviews have suggested that functional electrical stimulation (FES) may have a beneficial effect on upper limb motor recovery. In lig... Read More about A three-site clinical feasibility study of a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support functional task practice for upper limb recovery in people with stroke.

An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort (2019)
Journal Article

High heeled shoes remain popular, nevertheless it is not clear what influence manipulating characteristics of this footwear has on their functioning. It is accepted that shoe features other than heel height can affect plantar pressures. However, few... Read More about An investigation into the effects of, and interaction between, heel height and shoe upper stiffness on plantar pressure and comfort.

Logging therapy session data via an upper limb FES rehabilitation system (2018)
Presentation / Conference
Sun, M., Kenney, L., Howard, D., Smith, C., Waring, K., & Luckie, H. (2018, August). Logging therapy session data via an upper limb FES rehabilitation system. Presented at Annual Conference of the International Functional Electrical Stimulation Society, Nottwil, Switzerland

This paper reports on an approach to capturing real-time therapy session data using an upper limb functional electrical stimulation (FES) system to support our under-standing of its usability in clinical environments and to record therapy delivered.... Read More about Logging therapy session data via an upper limb FES rehabilitation system.

FES-UPP : a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support upper limb functional activity practice (2018)
Journal Article

There is good evidence supporting highly intensive, repetitive, activity-focused, voluntary-initiated practice as a key to driving recovery of upper limb function following stroke. Functional electrical stimulation (FES) offers a potential mechanism... Read More about FES-UPP : a flexible functional electrical stimulation system to support upper limb functional activity practice.

Performance of optimised prosthetic ankle designs that are based on a hydraulic variable displacement actuator (VDA) (2017)
Journal Article
Gardiner, J., Bari, A., Kenney, L., Twiste, M., Moser, D., Zahedi, S., & Howard, D. (2017). Performance of optimised prosthetic ankle designs that are based on a hydraulic variable displacement actuator (VDA). IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 25(12), 2418-2426.

Current energy storage and return (ESR) prosthetic
feet only marginally reduce the cost of amputee locomotion
compared to basic solid ankle cushioned heel (SACH) feet,
possibly due to their lack of push-off at the end of stance. To our knowledge,... Read More about Performance of optimised prosthetic ankle designs that are based on a hydraulic variable displacement actuator (VDA).

Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Ahanchian, N., Nester, C., Howard, D., Ren, L., & Parker, D. (2016). Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis. Medical Engineering and Physics, 40, 11-19.

Detailed information about the biomechanical behaviour of plantar heel pad tissue contributes to our understanding of load transfer when the foot impacts the ground. The objective of this work was to obtain the hyperelastic and viscoelastic material... Read More about Estimating the material properties of heel pad sub-layers using inverse finite element analysis.

Energy flow analysis of amputee walking shows a proximally-directed transfer of energy in intact limbs, compared to a distally-directed transfer in prosthetic limbs at push-off (2016)
Journal Article
Weinert-Aplin, R., Howard, D., Twiste, M., Jarvis, H., Bennett, A., & Baker, R. (2017). Energy flow analysis of amputee walking shows a proximally-directed transfer of energy in intact limbs, compared to a distally-directed transfer in prosthetic limbs at push-off. Medical Engineering and Physics, 39, 73-82.

Reduced capacity and increased metabolic cost of walking occurs in amputees, despite advances in prosthetic componentry. Joint powers can quantify deficiencies in prosthetic gait, but do not reveal how energy is exchanged between limb segments. This... Read More about Energy flow analysis of amputee walking shows a proximally-directed transfer of energy in intact limbs, compared to a distally-directed transfer in prosthetic limbs at push-off.

Crowd-sourced amputee gait data : a feasibility study using YouTube videos of unilateral trans-femoral gait (2016)
Journal Article

Collecting large datasets of amputee gait data is notoriously difficult. Additionally, collecting data on less prevalent amputations or on gait activities other than level walking and running on hard surfaces is rarely attempted. However, with the we... Read More about Crowd-sourced amputee gait data : a feasibility study using YouTube videos of unilateral trans-femoral gait.