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Reflections of Social Work Academics on Moving from Social Work Practice to the Academic Environment (2024)
Journal Article
Edwards, D., & Parkinson, K. (in press). Reflections of Social Work Academics on Moving from Social Work Practice to the Academic Environment. Practice, 1-15.

The social work academic field, in common with other professional qualification degrees requires academics to have substantial social work practice experience. This reflective paper explores the journey of two social work academics who have made the... Read More about Reflections of Social Work Academics on Moving from Social Work Practice to the Academic Environment.

Applying Strengths-Based Approaches in Social Work (2023)
Edwards, D., & Parkinson, K. (Eds.). (2023). Applying Strengths-Based Approaches in Social Work. Bristol: Policy Press

This textbook offers students and practitioners an accessible introduction to strengths-based approaches in Social Work and Social Care practice. Covering the theory and research in support of these approaches, and packed full of case studies, the bo... Read More about Applying Strengths-Based Approaches in Social Work.

Conservatism (2019)
Book Chapter
Williams, B. (2019). Conservatism. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (34-50). UK: Policy Press

When focusing on the subject matter of ideology, Conservatism is generally viewed to be one of the older and most-established types, along with liberalism and socialism. However, on a very fundamental level, there has been some significant academic d... Read More about Conservatism.

Child sexual abuse and exploitation (2019)
Book Chapter
Peach, D. (2019). Child sexual abuse and exploitation. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (185-199). Bristol, UK: Policy Press

The sexual abuse and exploitation of children has endured, and continues, on what is arguably an unimaginable scale, with the World Health Organization (WHO and ISPCAN, 2006) estimating that worldwide 223 million children experience child sexual abus... Read More about Child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Social Work and Society Political and Ideological Perspectives (2019)
Pollock, S., Parkinson, K., & Cummins, I. (Eds.). (2019). Social Work and Society Political and Ideological Perspectives. Bristol: Policy Press

It is essential that social work students understand the lasting impact political decision making can have on service users, yet little guidance exists on this subject. This valuable book provides a comprehensive introduction to politics in social wo... Read More about Social Work and Society Political and Ideological Perspectives.

Neoliberalism (2019)
Book Chapter
Cummins, I. (2019). Neoliberalism. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (50-62). Policy Press

From the mid 1970s onwards, neoliberalism has been the most influential political ideology. This influence has been exercised in several ways. In the Global North, neoliberal ideas have underpinned the electoral success of politicians such as Margare... Read More about Neoliberalism.

Liberalism (2019)
Book Chapter
Cummins, I. (2019). Liberalism. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (22-33). Policy Press

The roots of liberalism can be traced back to the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century. It became a clear philosophical school during the Age of Enlightenment. The emergence of liberalism as an intellectual tradition is associated with the wr... Read More about Liberalism.

The criminal justice system (2019)
Book Chapter
Cummins, I. (2019). The criminal justice system. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (132-146). Policy Press

One of the most notable developments in social work practice over the past thirty years in England and Wales has been the marginalisation of its role in the Criminal Justice System (CJS). In particular, the training and roles of probation officers ha... Read More about The criminal justice system.

Radicalisation (2019)
Book Chapter
Cummins, I. (2019). Radicalisation. In S. Pollock, K. Parkinson, & I. Cummins (Eds.), Social Work and Society: Political and Ideological Perspectives (212-222). Policy Press

In the political context, the term radical has been applied to a wide range of figures. Both Jeremy Corbyn and Nigel Farage could be considered radical in the sense that that they are campaigning for a society based on a different set of political an... Read More about Radicalisation.

Family Group Conferences in Social Work: Involving Families in Social Care Decision Making (2018)
Edwards, D., & Parkinson, K. (Eds.). (2018). Family Group Conferences in Social Work: Involving Families in Social Care Decision Making. Bristol: Policy Press

Family group conferences (FGCs) are a strengths-based approach to social work practice, empowering families to take responsibility for decision-making. It is a cost-effective service, which is currently used by the majority of local authorities.

T... Read More about Family Group Conferences in Social Work: Involving Families in Social Care Decision Making.