Composição e abundância de peixes da interface entre as águas abertas e bancos de macrófitas e sua dinâmica nos períodos de crepúsculos matutino e vespertino, no lago Catalão, Amazonas, Brasil (Composition and abundance of fishes in the interface between open water and macrophyte banks, and
the dynamics of this interface during morning and evening twilight, in lake Catalao, Amazonas, Brazil)
Journal Article
the dynamics of this interface during morning and evening twilight, in lake Catalao, Amazonas, Brazil). Biotemas, 24(2),
This work studied the composition and abundance of the fishes that move between macrophyte
banks and open water during the morning twilight (CM) and afternoon twilight (CV). The collections
were made using gillnets, along banks of Paspalum repens...
Read More about Composição e abundância de peixes da interface entre as águas abertas e bancos de macrófitas e sua dinâmica nos períodos de crepúsculos matutino e vespertino, no lago Catalão, Amazonas, Brasil (Composition and abundance of fishes in the interface between open water and macrophyte banks, and
the dynamics of this interface during morning and evening twilight, in lake Catalao, Amazonas, Brazil).