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All Outputs (4)

Absorption of sound by porous layers with embedded periodic arrays of resonant inclusions (2013)
Journal Article
arrays of resonant inclusions. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 134(6), 4670-4680.

The aim of this work is to design a layer of porous material with a high value of the absorption
coefficient in a wide range of frequencies. It is shown that low frequency performance can be
significantly improved by embedding periodically arranged... Read More about Absorption of sound by porous layers with embedded periodic arrays of resonant inclusions.

Influence of Forchheimer’s nonlinearity and transient effects on pulse propagation in air saturated rigid granular materials (2013)
Journal Article
Turo, D., & Umnova, O. (2013). Influence of Forchheimer’s nonlinearity and transient effects on pulse propagation in air saturated rigid granular materials. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 134(6), 4763.

It has been shown in the earlier work of Umnova et al. [Noise Control Eng. 50, 204–210 (2002)]
that interaction of a relatively long, high amplitude acoustic pulse with a rigid porous material can
be accurately described accounting for the Forchhei... Read More about Influence of Forchheimer’s nonlinearity and transient effects on pulse propagation in air saturated rigid granular materials.

Comparisons of two effective medium approaches for predicting sound scattering by periodic arrays of elastic shells (2013)
Journal Article
sound scattering by periodic arrays of elastic shells. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 134(5), 3619-3630.

Two effective medium models are presented and used to predict complex reflection and transmission
coefficients of finite periodic arrays of resonant elastic shells as well as their effective density
and bulk modulus at low frequencies. Comparisons... Read More about Comparisons of two effective medium approaches for predicting sound scattering by periodic arrays of elastic shells.

Analytical approximations for low frequency band gaps in periodic arrays of elastic shells (2013)
Journal Article
in periodic arrays of elastic shells. ˜The œJournal of the Acoustical Society of America (Online), 133(2),

This paper presents and compares three analytical methods for calculating low frequency band
gap boundaries in doubly periodic arrays of resonating thin elastic shells. It is shown that both
Foldy-type equations (derived with lattice sum expansions... Read More about Analytical approximations for low frequency band gaps in periodic arrays of elastic shells.