Integrating research-informed teaching into radiography education
Presentation / Conference
Higgins, R., Robinson, L., & Hogg, P. (2018, November). Integrating research-informed teaching into radiography education. Presented at Achieving Excellence in Radiography Education and Research Conference, Leeds, UK
All Outputs (6)
Malignant breast masses-conspicuity analysis in motionsimulated mammograms (2018)
Presentation / Conference
mammograms. Poster presented at The 2018 European Congress of Radiology (ECR), ViennaThe conspicuity of a mass represents a ratio between the contrast of a mass and its surrounding complexity. Measuring the conspicuity of lesions attempts to characterise the visibility of a lesion in terms of the imaging systems diagnostic capabiliti... Read More about Malignant breast masses-conspicuity analysis in motionsimulated mammograms.
Developing and validating a psychometric scale for AP pelvis image quality (2015)
Presentation / Conference
Mraity, H., England, A., Cassidy, S., Eachus, P., Dominguez, A., & Hogg, P. (2015, June). Developing and validating a psychometric scale for AP pelvis image quality. Poster presented at UK Radiological Congress (UKRC), Liverpool, UK
Optimisation of lateral thoraco-lumbar acquisition parameters for Cobb and superimposition methods of intervertebral movement estimation (2011)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Qaroot, B., Twiste, M., Hogg, P., McAloon, M., Howard, D., & McGill, G. (2011, June). Optimisation of lateral thoraco-lumbar acquisition parameters for Cobb and superimposition methods of intervertebral movement estimation. Presented at UKRC (UK Radiological Congress), Manchester, UK
The effect of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyper-extension spinal orthoses. (2010)
Presentation / Conference
Al-Qaroot, B., McAloon, M., Howard, D., Hogg, P., & Twiste, M. (2010, November). The effect of body fat percentage on inter-vertebral spinal mobility control from hyper-extension spinal orthoses. Presented at The UK National Member Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Prosthetics & Orthotics, Newcastle, UK,
Further development of the web user self-efficacy scale (WUSE) (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Eachus, P., Hogg, P., & Cassidy, S. (2006, January). Further development of the web user self-efficacy scale (WUSE). Presented at Education in a Changing Environment, University of Salford, UKThe aim of this research was to develop a short version of the WUSE scale (Eachus and Cassidy, 2004) without compromising its psychometric properties. Using item analysis the original 40-item WUSE scale was reduced to 20 items, which were then incorp... Read More about Further development of the web user self-efficacy scale (WUSE).