Pits versus patterns: effects of transponders on recapture
rate and body condition of Danube crested newts (Triturus
Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus)
Journal Article
Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus). Herpetological journal, 8, 181-186
During a long-terrn study (1987-1996) near Vienna (Austria), individual Danube crested
newts (Trititrus dobrogicus) and cornmon spadefoot toads (Pelobates fuscus) were registered by
photographs of highly variable Skin patterns, and the implantation...
Read More about Pits versus patterns: effects of transponders on recapture
rate and body condition of Danube crested newts (Triturus
Dobrogicus) and common spadefoot toads (Pelobates Fuscus).