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Strong male⁄male competition allows for nonchoosy females: high levels of polygynandry in a territorial frog with paternal care (2011)
Journal Article
with paternal care. Molecular Ecology, 20(8), 1759-1711.

Our knowledge about genetic mating systems and the underlying causes for and consequences of variation in reproductive success has substantially improved in recent
years. When linked to longitudinal population studies, cross-generational pedigrees a... Read More about Strong male⁄male competition allows for nonchoosy females: high levels of polygynandry in a territorial frog with paternal care.

Toe regeneration in the neotropical frog Allobates femoralis (2011)
Journal Article
Ursprung, E., Ringler, M., Jehle, R., & Hoedl, W. (2011). Toe regeneration in the neotropical frog Allobates femoralis. Herpetological journal, 21(1), 83-86

Toe-clipping is a standard method for marking and tissue
sampling in amphibians, and in most adult anurans such
marks are permanent. Here we document the consistent
regeneration of toes in the aromobatid frog Allobates
femoralis during a three-ye... Read More about Toe regeneration in the neotropical frog Allobates femoralis.

A positive relationship between ant biodiversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and rate of scavenger-mediated nutrient redistribution along a disturbance gradient in a south-east Asian rain forest (2011)
Journal Article

Human modification of pristine habitats almost always leads to the local extinction of a subset of the species present. This means that the ecosystem processes carried out by the remaining species may change. It is well documented that particular spe... Read More about A positive relationship between ant biodiversity (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and rate of scavenger-mediated nutrient redistribution along a disturbance gradient in a south-east Asian rain forest.