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All Outputs (6)

Clinicians' perspectives of activity monitoring applications and facilitators for lower-limb prosthetic service provision (2024)
Journal Article
Patricks, V., Granat, M., Twiste, M., Curtin, S., & Worsley, P. (2024). Clinicians' perspectives of activity monitoring applications and facilitators for lower-limb prosthetic service provision. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics,

Introduction Clinicians involved in lower-limb prosthetic provision and care do not have an objective method for measuring patients' real-world prosthesis usage. This results in a poor understanding of the full picture of the patient's everyday life... Read More about Clinicians' perspectives of activity monitoring applications and facilitators for lower-limb prosthetic service provision.

Adjustable prosthetic sockets: a systematic review of industrial and research design characteristics and their justifications. (2023)
Journal Article

BackgroundThe prosthetic socket is a key component that influences prosthesis satisfaction, with a poorly fitting prosthetic socket linked to prosthesis abandonment and reduced community participation. This paper reviews adjustable socket designs, as... Read More about Adjustable prosthetic sockets: a systematic review of industrial and research design characteristics and their justifications..

Measuring transtibial prosthetic socket-to-residuum interface coupling in gait using 3D motion capture (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Fit and function of a prosthetic socket are often reported as the main reason for dissatisfaction within lower-limb amputees [1,2], leading to further reductions in mobility. One way of measuring the performance of a prosthetic socket is through anal... Read More about Measuring transtibial prosthetic socket-to-residuum interface coupling in gait using 3D motion capture.

Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods (2023)
Journal Article
Skidmore, S., Prior, Y., Nester, C., Bird, S., & Vasilica, C. (2023). Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 16(1),

The cost of losing foot health is significant to the person, healthcare systems, and economy, with diabetes related foot health issues alone costing over £1 billion annually in the UK. Yet many foot health problems are preventable through alternative... Read More about Where do you stand?: an exploration of perspectives toward feet, foot health, and footwear using innovative digital methods.

The validity and reliability of the exposure index as a metric for estimating the radiation dose to the patient (2020)
Journal Article


With the introduction of digital radiography, the feedback between image quality and over-exposure has been partly lost which in some cases has led to a steady increase in dose. Over the years the introduction of exposure index (EI)... Read More about The validity and reliability of the exposure index as a metric for estimating the radiation dose to the patient.