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All Outputs (4)

Towards a microbial process-based understanding of the resilience of peatland ecosystem service provisioning – a research agenda (2020)
Journal Article
Ritson, J., Alderson, D., Robinson, C., Burkitt, A., Heinemeyer, A., Stimson, A., …Evans, M. (2021). Towards a microbial process-based understanding of the resilience of peatland ecosystem service provisioning – a research agenda. Science of the Total Environment, 759, 143467.

Peatlands are wetland ecosystems with great significance as natural habitats and as major global carbon stores. They have been subject to widespread exploitation and degradation with resulting losses in characteristic biota and ecosystem functions su... Read More about Towards a microbial process-based understanding of the resilience of peatland ecosystem service provisioning – a research agenda.

Climate and land-use as the main drivers of recent environmental change in a mid-altitude mountain lake, Romanian Carpathians (2020)
Journal Article
Haliuc, A., Buczkó, K., Hutchinson, S., Ács, É., Magyari, E., Korponai, J., …Veres, D. (2020). Climate and land-use as the main drivers of recent environmental change in a mid-altitude mountain lake, Romanian Carpathians. PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0239209.

Recent decades have been marked by unprecendented environmental changes which threaten the integrity of freshwater systems and their ecological value. Although most of these changes can be attributed to human activities, disentagling natural and anth... Read More about Climate and land-use as the main drivers of recent environmental change in a mid-altitude mountain lake, Romanian Carpathians.

Recent fire regime in the southern boreal forests of western Siberia is unprecedented in the last five millennia (2020)
Journal Article
Feurdean, A., Florescu, G., Tanţău, I., Vannière, B., Diaconu, A., Pfeiffer, M., …Kirpotin, S. (2020). Recent fire regime in the southern boreal forests of western Siberia is unprecedented in the last five millennia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 244, 106495.

Wildfires in Siberia are documented to have increased in frequency and severity over recent decades. However, in the absence of long-term records, it is unclear how far and why this trend deviates from centennial to millennial scale variability. Here... Read More about Recent fire regime in the southern boreal forests of western Siberia is unprecedented in the last five millennia.

A geochemical peat record from the Great Vasyugan Mire, Tomsk, Siberia evidencing a regionally coherent pattern of human impact over the last five centuries. (2020)
Hutchinson, S., Diaconu, A., Kirpotin, S., & Feurdean, A. (2020). A geochemical peat record from the Great Vasyugan Mire, Tomsk, Siberia evidencing a regionally coherent pattern of human impact over the last five centuries. [published]

Interest in peatland environments, especially in terms of their carbon storage, has increased markedly in response to the heightened awareness of future, global climatic conditions. However, significant gaps remain in the spatial coverage of our know... Read More about A geochemical peat record from the Great Vasyugan Mire, Tomsk, Siberia evidencing a regionally coherent pattern of human impact over the last five centuries..