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All Outputs (66)

Environmental changes in East-Central Europe from a Middle to Late Holocene Romanian cave sediment record (2025)
Journal Article

Caves are sensitive to hydrological processes including sediment transport associated with changes in external climatic conditions. When located in the proximity of prehistoric settlements, cave sediments can provide details about human activities an... Read More about Environmental changes in East-Central Europe from a Middle to Late Holocene Romanian cave sediment record.

Moisture availability versus grazing and burning as drivers of Holocene forest-grassland coexistence in Europe: A case study from open ecosystems of southeastern Romania (2025)
Journal Article

Southeastern Europe is home to remnants of highly diverse open ecosystems, including grasslands and forest-steppe. To understand the impacts of climate changes, fire disturbance, and herbivory on forest-grassland coexistence in this region, we integr... Read More about Moisture availability versus grazing and burning as drivers of Holocene forest-grassland coexistence in Europe: A case study from open ecosystems of southeastern Romania.

Resilient education: The role of digital technology in supporting geographical education in Ukraine (2024)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S. M., Hurrell, E. R., Borysenko, K., Popov, V., Kholiavchuk, D., & Popiuk, Y. (2024). Resilient education: The role of digital technology in supporting geographical education in Ukraine. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,

This commentary spotlights the continued impact of the Russian invasion on geography education in higher education in Ukraine. From discussions with Ukrainian geographers in institutions in contrasting regions of the country, we describe their re... Read More about Resilient education: The role of digital technology in supporting geographical education in Ukraine.

Tracing climate and human-driven erosional activity in the Transylvania lowlands (Central-Eastern Europe) during the Holocene (2024)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S. M., Haliuc, A., & Feurdean, A. (2024). Tracing climate and human-driven erosional activity in the Transylvania lowlands (Central-Eastern Europe) during the Holocene. Holocene,

Erosion is a complex geomorphological process controlled by climate, soil and vegetation characteristics in addition to land-use. However, the interplay of these drivers is not fully understood. Here we present a 11.8 ka multi-proxy record of geochem... Read More about Tracing climate and human-driven erosional activity in the Transylvania lowlands (Central-Eastern Europe) during the Holocene.

Manifestations and consequences of water conflicts: case study of the Pechenihy reservoir, Kharkiv region, Ukraine (2024)
Journal Article
Borysenko, K., M. Hutchinson, S., & Sinchuk, D. (2024). Manifestations and consequences of water conflicts: case study of the Pechenihy reservoir, Kharkiv region, Ukraine. #Journal not on list,

Statement of the problem. The article discusses the manifestations and consequences of such conflicts, in particular their impact on the Pechenihy Reservoir. The study of the problem of water clashes and its exhaustive justification is an important s... Read More about Manifestations and consequences of water conflicts: case study of the Pechenihy reservoir, Kharkiv region, Ukraine.

The legacy of millennial-scale land-use practices on landscape composition, diversity and slope erosion in the subalpine areas of Eastern Carpathians, Romania (2024)
Journal Article
Florescu, G., Hutchinson, S. M., Gałka, M., Mîndrescu, M., Tanțău, I., Petraș, A., & Feurdean, A. (2024). The legacy of millennial-scale land-use practices on landscape composition, diversity and slope erosion in the subalpine areas of Eastern Carpathians, Romania. Holocene,

We conducted multi-proxy analyses in two subalpine lakes, Lake Gropile, in the Rodna Mountains and Lake Vinderelu in the Maramureș Mountains, the Eastern Carpathians, Romania, to investigate the effect of different land-use practices on landscape com... Read More about The legacy of millennial-scale land-use practices on landscape composition, diversity and slope erosion in the subalpine areas of Eastern Carpathians, Romania.

Meta-Analysis of Biochar as an Amendment for Arsenic Mitigation in Paddy Soils (2024)
Journal Article
Mandal, J., Sharma, P. K., Mondal, D., Wood, M. D., Hutchinson, S. M., Kirby, J., & Srivastava, P. (2024). Meta-Analysis of Biochar as an Amendment for Arsenic Mitigation in Paddy Soils. Current Pollution Reports, 10(1), 105-118.

Purpose of Review: The purpose of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of biochar in immobilizing arsenic (As) in contaminated paddy soils and its impact on As availability and bioaccumulation in rice, as well as rice plant biomass. Recent Fi... Read More about Meta-Analysis of Biochar as an Amendment for Arsenic Mitigation in Paddy Soils.

Baseline distribution of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the marine environment around the coastline of Qatar (2023)
Journal Article

Levels of organic contaminants (TPHs, PAHs) were simultaneously determined in both abiotic (sediments, seawater) and biotic (Pinctada radiata oysters) samples at four sites along the coastline of Qatar (Arabian Gulf) in 2017-2018. TPHs and PAHs were... Read More about Baseline distribution of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in the marine environment around the coastline of Qatar.

Aspects of microbial communities in peatland carbon cycling under changing climate and land use pressures (2023)
Journal Article

Globally, major efforts are being made to restore peatlands to maximise their resilience to anthropogenic climate change, which puts continuous pressure on peatland ecosystems and modifies the geography of the environmental envelope that underpins pe... Read More about Aspects of microbial communities in peatland carbon cycling under changing climate and land use pressures.

The Virtual Palaeosciences (ViPs) project: resources for online learning in or out of a pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Hutchinson, S. M., Bacon, K. L., Bunting, M. J., & Hurrell, E. R. (2022). The Virtual Palaeosciences (ViPs) project: resources for online learning in or out of a pandemic. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 48(1), 133-143.

The Virtual Palaeosciences (ViPs) project is a collaborative initiative bringing palaeoscientists together to locate, access and share online educational resources (OERs). It began as a response to the 2020 shift to online learning when the COVID-19... Read More about The Virtual Palaeosciences (ViPs) project: resources for online learning in or out of a pandemic.

Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the late quaternary evolution of the Someș fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe (2022)
Journal Article
Persoiu, I., Sipos, G., Radoane, M., Hutchinson, S., Michczyńska, D., & Persoiu, A. (2022). Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the late quaternary evolution of the Someș fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe. Geomorphology, 417,

The Someș fluvial fan is located in the NW extremity of the Great Hungarian Plain (Pannonian Basin). It was formed by the left-side tributaries of the Tisa River (a tributary of the Danube) as they developed westward, following the avulsion of the ma... Read More about Tectonic, climatic and autogenic controls on the late quaternary evolution of the Someș fluvial fan, North-East Pannonian Basin, Central Europe.

Multi‐Centennial Variability of Yangtze Delta Growth Over the Last 2000 Years: Interplay of Climate and People (2022)
Journal Article
Nian, X., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Hutchinson, S. M., Zhao, X., & Liu, K. (2022). Multi‐Centennial Variability of Yangtze Delta Growth Over the Last 2000 Years: Interplay of Climate and People. Earth's Future, 10(8),

Reconstruction of sediment accumulation in river deltas over the Holocene provides a basis for understanding the relationship between climate change, human activities and delta growth. However, variations in deposition rates on a centennial‐scale ove... Read More about Multi‐Centennial Variability of Yangtze Delta Growth Over the Last 2000 Years: Interplay of Climate and People.

Holocene wildfire regimes in western Siberia: interaction between peatland moisture conditions and the composition of plant functional types (2022)
Journal Article

Wildfire is the most common disturbance type in boreal forests and can trigger significant changes in forest composition. Waterlogging in peatlands determines the degree of tree cover and the depth of the burnt horizon associated with wildfires. Howe... Read More about Holocene wildfire regimes in western Siberia: interaction between peatland moisture conditions and the composition of plant functional types.

Holocene wildfire regimes in forested peatlands in western Siberia: interaction between peatland moisture conditions and the composition of plant functional types (2022)
Journal Article

Wildfire is the most common disturbance type in boreal forests and can trigger significant changes in forest composition. Waterlogging in peatlands determines the degree of tree cover and the depth of the burnt horizon associated with wildfires. Howe... Read More about Holocene wildfire regimes in forested peatlands in western Siberia: interaction between peatland moisture conditions and the composition of plant functional types.

Challenges in Interpreting Geochemical Data: An Appraisal of Analytical Techniques Applied to a Karstic Lake Sediment Record (2022)
Journal Article
Haliuc, A., Bonk, A., Longman, J., Hutchinson, S. M., Zak, M., & Veres, D. (2022). Challenges in Interpreting Geochemical Data: An Appraisal of Analytical Techniques Applied to a Karstic Lake Sediment Record. Water, 14(5), 806.

The paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes inferred from shifts in lake sediment geochemistry require reliable, efficient and cost-effective methods of analysis. The available geochemical techniques, however, suggest that different analytical a... Read More about Challenges in Interpreting Geochemical Data: An Appraisal of Analytical Techniques Applied to a Karstic Lake Sediment Record.