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Computation methods affect the reported values of in vivo human tendon stiffness (2011)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., & Onambele, G. (2012). Computation methods affect the reported values of in vivo human tendon stiffness. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 5(1), 291-297.

Scientific validity is questionable when findings from studies cannot be used to make sense of physiological and/or biomechanical data. In particular, is the case of in vivo determination of tendon stiffness (K). Here, approaches range from taking th... Read More about Computation methods affect the reported values of in vivo human tendon stiffness.

The magnitude and character of resistance-training-induced increase in tendon stiffness at old age is gender specific (2011)
Journal Article
Onambele-Pearson, G., & Pearson, S. (2012). The magnitude and character of resistance-training-induced increase in tendon stiffness at old age is gender specific. Age : the journal of the American Aging Association, 34(2), 427-38.

Human tendon mechanical properties are modified with loading. Moreover, there are indications that the training response in the tendon is gender specific. The aim of the current study was to examine whether in vivo patella tendon stiffness (K) differ... Read More about The magnitude and character of resistance-training-induced increase in tendon stiffness at old age is gender specific.

Serum relaxin levels affect the in vivo properties of some but not all tendons in normally menstruating young women (2011)
Journal Article
Pearson, S., Burgess, K., & Onambele, G. (2011). Serum relaxin levels affect the in vivo properties of some but not all tendons in normally menstruating young women. Experimental Physiology, 96(7), 681-8.

Relaxin (hRLX) is a hormone reported to affect collagen synthesis. Its effects are also thought to be modulated by other sex hormones, including oestrogen, which has previously been found to be associated with alterations of in vivo tendon properties... Read More about Serum relaxin levels affect the in vivo properties of some but not all tendons in normally menstruating young women.

An electromyographical comparison of trunk muscle activity during isometric trunk and dynamic strengthening exercises (2011)
Journal Article
Comfort, P., Pearson, S., & Mather, D. (2011). An electromyographical comparison of trunk muscle activity during isometric trunk and dynamic strengthening exercises. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25(1), 149-154.

The purpose of this study was to compare rectus abdominis and erector spinae muscle activity during isometric (prone bridge [PB] and superman [SM]) and dynamic strengthening exercises (back squat, front squat [FS], and military
press). Participants... Read More about An electromyographical comparison of trunk muscle activity during isometric trunk and dynamic strengthening exercises.

Anti-inflammatory effects of Omega 3 fatty acids on murine skeletal muscle cell differentiation (2011)
Magee, P. Anti-inflammatory effects of Omega 3 fatty acids on murine skeletal muscle cell differentiation. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Eicosapentaenoic acid (ERA) is an w-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid
(PUFA) with anti-inflammatory and anti-cachetic properties.
These properties have not previously been investigated
simultaneously with regards to skeletal muscle damage and
regenera... Read More about Anti-inflammatory effects of Omega 3 fatty acids on murine skeletal muscle cell differentiation.