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All Outputs (76)

‘But not for him. Just by him’: Hungarian landscapes and women’s time in the short fiction of Anna T. Szabó and Krisztina Tóth (2025)
Journal Article

Contemporary Hungarian women writers use the short form as a feminist intervention in current gender politics. Creating space in which to explore alternatives to patriarchal cultures and illiberal political movements, they deploy physical and imagina... Read More about ‘But not for him. Just by him’: Hungarian landscapes and women’s time in the short fiction of Anna T. Szabó and Krisztina Tóth.

Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practice at the University of Salford. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper presents the Flipping Failure project, which aims to challenge the negative perception of failure and promote its benefits for building resilience, insight, and action. The project involved students and staff who participated in failure-fo... Read More about Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practice at the University of Salford..

Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practiceat the University of Salford (2024)
Journal Article
Whitnall, D., & Hurley, U. (2024). Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practiceat the University of Salford. Innovative practice in higher education, 5(3), 1-23

This paper presents the Flipping Failure project, which aims to challenge the negative perception of failure and promote its benefits for building resilience, insight, and action. The project involved students and staff who participated in failure-fo... Read More about Flipping Failure: A case study on building resilience and confidence through 'Failureship Strategies' in theory and practiceat the University of Salford.

“WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)” (2023)
Digital Artefact
Hurley, U., & Neis, D. (2023). “WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)”. [Video]

Former candidate and supervisor hold a reflective conversation in which they consider their PhD journey from a conventional film theory thesis towards a spiralling constellation of unfilmable scripts, circular poems, and personal essay, with a casset... Read More about “WindVision: in conversation about a PhD journey from film theory to experimental essay (with PhD supervisor, Ursula Hurley)”.

It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers (2023)
Journal Article
Setia Sari, W., Faruk, K., & Hurley, U. (2023). It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers. #Journal not on list, 13(2), 430-442.

Reading motivation has been extensively studied in online reading settings. However, not much is known about what makes people want to read fiction online, especially in a foreign-language setting. As part of the growth of digital literature and cybe... Read More about It is for pleasure, not for my English: Insights into Indonesian adolescent online story readers.

Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023) (2023)
Digital Artefact

Title: South African Literature, Decolonisation, and the English Literature A-Level

Summary: In this lecture and Q+A, Jade will discuss what 'decolonising the curriculum' might mean for the discipline of English Studies. Drawing on examples from h... Read More about Session 1: Experience Decolonising across disciplines in postgraduate research and supervision (April 2023).

Reframing crusading discourses in seventeenth-century English drama (2022)
Hussain, A. Reframing crusading discourses in seventeenth-century English drama. (Thesis). University of Salford

Portrayals of Turks in early modern cultural discourses resisted historical accuracy: Turks are represented as violent, lustful, barbaric, and despotic despite the existence of numerous seventeenth-century Anglo-Ottoman correspondence documents, in w... Read More about Reframing crusading discourses in seventeenth-century English drama.

FAIL – Focussed Action Innovative Leadership : Using 'leadership failure lens' to support leadership development approaches (2022)

FAIL – Focussed Action Innovative Leadership : Using 'leadership failure lens' to support leadership development approaches

Failure is part of being human, it’s often a considered a negative but looking at it differently can open unexpected rout... Read More about FAIL – Focussed Action Innovative Leadership : Using 'leadership failure lens' to support leadership development approaches.

Diving to The Cinema Beneath the Lake: a novel as immersive, synthetic-magical exploration of the surrealist prose of Claude Cahun, Ithell Colquhoun and Leonora Carrington (2022)

This practice-led PhD explores the role of mimicry (simulation, impersonation, imitation) in the surrealist prose of Claude Cahun, Ithell Colquhoun and Leonora Carrington. It evaluates mimicry both as a feminist critical technique and as a form of ca... Read More about Diving to The Cinema Beneath the Lake: a novel as immersive, synthetic-magical exploration of the surrealist prose of Claude Cahun, Ithell Colquhoun and Leonora Carrington.

Effective factual TV content for young audiences : exploring new approaches to creating history documentaries for 6 - 12 -year - olds in digital UK television (2022)

This interdisciplinary original research engages with the fields of TV documentary production, children’s television, historiography, and the pedagogy of history teaching. From this large field, I am taking what is necessary for my research as a prac... Read More about Effective factual TV content for young audiences : exploring new approaches to creating history documentaries for 6 - 12 -year - olds in digital UK television.