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What is the role of emotions on football fans in affecting online video virality? (Case study of Salford City FC) (2020)

Viral video marketing is an expensive process and there is limited scholarly research about what makes video content go viral. A few online communities such as football clubs are keen to explore video virality to engage their audiences. One such club... Read More about What is the role of emotions on football fans in affecting online video virality? (Case study of Salford City FC).

Auditors’ liability capping : impact on listed companies’ financial statements integrity, audit market and its profession in the United Kingdom (A study of audit reforms in the UK) (2020)
Ebhodaghe, S. Auditors’ liability capping : impact on listed companies’ financial statements integrity, audit market and its profession in the United Kingdom (A study of audit reforms in the UK). (Thesis). University of Salford

Purpose: The UK government is reluctant to adopt auditors’ professional liability capping strategy as recommended by the European Union in 2008 based on fear of poor audit quality. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether auditors in the UK... Read More about Auditors’ liability capping : impact on listed companies’ financial statements integrity, audit market and its profession in the United Kingdom (A study of audit reforms in the UK).

To identify issues that impact upon the acculturation and adaptation of Chinese Mandarin-speaking students taking undergraduate studies in British business schools (2020)

According to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA, 2020), In 2018-19, the amount of student enrolments domiciled from China reached 115,435, 32% of non-UK domiciled students for their first year studies come from China. Despite the trend of m... Read More about To identify issues that impact upon the acculturation and adaptation of Chinese Mandarin-speaking students taking undergraduate studies in British business schools.

The impact of psychological empowerment on the service quality of front-of-house staff in the Jordanian hotel sector (2020)
Bseiso, D. The impact of psychological empowerment on the service quality of front-of-house staff in the Jordanian hotel sector. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study examines the impact of role clarity, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, customer-orientated behaviour and psychological empowerment on service quality in Jordanian hotels by employing a sample of three-to-five star hotels within... Read More about The impact of psychological empowerment on the service quality of front-of-house staff in the Jordanian hotel sector.

Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources (2020)
Kachitsa, C. Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research focused on management motivation as it applies to football management viewed and seeing through the Malawi National football team. It was concerned with why its players continued to be motivated despite perennial problems in resources o... Read More about Identifying motivational factors in Malawi's national football team despite perennial inadequacy of resources.

Adequacy of the legal safeguards of the patients’ confidentiality right under the Saudi Arabian laws (2020)
Elgujja, A. Adequacy of the legal safeguards of the patients’ confidentiality right under the Saudi Arabian laws. (Thesis). University of Salford

The concept of patient confidentiality is nearly as old as the practice of health professions and has evolved over the years, from one jurisdiction to the other. The duty of patient confidentiality can be a fundamental human right, an ethical duty or... Read More about Adequacy of the legal safeguards of the patients’ confidentiality right under the Saudi Arabian laws.

Essays on international financial markets interdependence (2020)
Mohammed, W. Essays on international financial markets interdependence. (Thesis). University of Salford

This thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one showcases the analysis of the three empirical studies presented in this thesis. Chapter two provides broad literature review. Chapter three investigates the transmission of information between develo... Read More about Essays on international financial markets interdependence.

Why is there a lack of digital marketing client-agency trust? An inductive thematic analysis of the contemporary challenges facing client-agency trust relationships (2020)
Iredale, S. Why is there a lack of digital marketing client-agency trust? An inductive thematic analysis of the contemporary challenges facing client-agency trust relationships. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study examines the contemporary challenges facing client-agency trust relationships in a digital marketing setting. The digital marketing industry is currently struggling with a crisis of client-agency trust. Research has identified that client... Read More about Why is there a lack of digital marketing client-agency trust? An inductive thematic analysis of the contemporary challenges facing client-agency trust relationships.

Employee engagement and its importance to HPWPs (High Performance Work Practices), employee outcome relationship in the Nigerian hotel sector (2020)
Odiaka, K. Employee engagement and its importance to HPWPs (High Performance Work Practices), employee outcome relationship in the Nigerian hotel sector. (Thesis). University of Salford

Numerous human resource practices have been developed to improve employee job engagement, and one particular practice (HPWPs) has received great attention and academic critiques.HPWPs (High Performance Work Practices) is a combination of distinct but... Read More about Employee engagement and its importance to HPWPs (High Performance Work Practices), employee outcome relationship in the Nigerian hotel sector.

The impact of earnings management on innovation strategies in developed, developing, and transition economies (2020)
Marei, Y. The impact of earnings management on innovation strategies in developed, developing, and transition economies. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study focuses on investigating the impact of earnings management on innovation strategies in developed, developing and transition economies. The study examines earnings management models and utilises accruals models: standard Jones model (Dechow... Read More about The impact of earnings management on innovation strategies in developed, developing, and transition economies.

Underpinning motives and outcomes of consumer decision-making in the wearable sports technology products market (2020)
Chang, C.-C. Underpinning motives and outcomes of consumer decision-making in the wearable sports technology products market. (Thesis). University of Salford

The next enormous trend in the technology domain following on from computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones is predicted to be in the market of wearable sports technology products (WSTPs), with analysts expecting this market to be worth over $150... Read More about Underpinning motives and outcomes of consumer decision-making in the wearable sports technology products market.

The interaction effects of sparse and interlocked connections in SMEs clusters (2020)
Liang, L. The interaction effects of sparse and interlocked connections in SMEs clusters. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study aims to exarnine the relationship between the structures of inter- organisation connections and innovation results in the context of small and medium
enterprises (SMEs).
Existing literature shows that SMEs can benefit from inter- organi... Read More about The interaction effects of sparse and interlocked connections in SMEs clusters.

An investigation into the importance and relevance of intangible assets in Malaysian digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMES) performance : the balanced scorecard approach (2020)
Hasrin, A. An investigation into the importance and relevance of intangible assets in Malaysian digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMES) performance : the balanced scorecard approach. (Thesis). University of Salford

In light of organizations in strategy, the Resource-Based View (RBV) upholds that by appropriate understanding and exploitation of unique resources in organizations, firms may experience outstanding performance. Upon acknowledging the importance of r... Read More about An investigation into the importance and relevance of intangible assets in Malaysian digital Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMES) performance : the balanced scorecard approach.

A cross-case analysis on models of football governance and the influence of supporter groups (2020)
Gibson, I. A cross-case analysis on models of football governance and the influence of supporter groups. (Thesis). University of Salford

As the football industry continues to reach unprecedented levels of economic growth, elite clubs continue to capitalise on the financial riches on offer across Europe’s most popular leagues. In the quest for financial growth, historic clubs and their... Read More about A cross-case analysis on models of football governance and the influence of supporter groups.

Leadership styles, organisational politics and employees’ performance : the perspectives of leaders and employees from the oil and gas industry in Oman (2020)
Al Busaidi, I. Leadership styles, organisational politics and employees’ performance : the perspectives of leaders and employees from the oil and gas industry in Oman. (Thesis). University of Salford

This mixed methods research explored the interrelation among leadership styles, organisational politics and employees’ performance in the Oil and Gas Industry in Oman. Previous studies have implied that leadership style was vital in organisations, bu... Read More about Leadership styles, organisational politics and employees’ performance : the perspectives of leaders and employees from the oil and gas industry in Oman.

Integrating data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard for improving organizations’ performance assessment (2019)
Ellelly, N. (in press). Integrating data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard for improving organizations’ performance assessment. (Thesis). University of Salford

In today's business environment, organizations aim to improve their performance to compete efficiently in a highly competitive global market. Thus, the concept of performance measurement has received significant attention from both academics and prac... Read More about Integrating data envelopment analysis and balanced scorecard for improving organizations’ performance assessment.

Adoption of advanced management accounting practices in Gulf Cooperation Council countries : insights from institutional theory analysis (2019)
Mufid, A. Adoption of advanced management accounting practices in Gulf Cooperation Council countries : insights from institutional theory analysis. (Thesis). University of Salford

Adoption of Advanced Management Accounting Practices in Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Insights from institutional theory analysis

This study investigates the adoption of advanced Management Accounting Practices (MAPs) in GCC countries and he... Read More about Adoption of advanced management accounting practices in Gulf Cooperation Council countries : insights from institutional theory analysis.

Towards an effective enforcement of environmental criminal law : re-thinking sanctions for air pollution criminals in Iraq (2019)
Mahmood, I. (in press). Towards an effective enforcement of environmental criminal law : re-thinking sanctions for air pollution criminals in Iraq. (Thesis). University of Salford

This study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of the current legal framework of Iraqi air environment protection by identifying the many challenges confronting this framework and the obstacles which impede appropriate enforcement measures. One of t... Read More about Towards an effective enforcement of environmental criminal law : re-thinking sanctions for air pollution criminals in Iraq.