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All Outputs (42)

Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Eaglen, A., & Maccarrone-Eaglen, A. (2005, December). Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach. Presented at Second PolyU China Tourism Forum, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, P. R. China

Sex tourism has been associated with human trafficking (sex slavery), violence, child sexual exploitation and the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Though marginalised, sex tourism is globally pervasive, embracing multiple stakeholders and contextualised wit... Read More about Sex tourism and chaos : a complex system approach.

Reducing the burden of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) (2005)
Journal Article
Taylor, E., & Kane, K. (2005). Reducing the burden of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Food Control, 16(10), 833-839.

Despite the acknowledged contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to the food industry there is increasing evidence that Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) implementation is limited in this sector, with the burden of implementa... Read More about Reducing the burden of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) on small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

War in Iraq: environment of insecurity and international migration (2005)
Journal Article
Sirkeci, I. (2005). War in Iraq: environment of insecurity and international migration. International Migration, 43(4), 197-214.

This paper discusses possible relations between conflict and international migration, with specific reference to the most recent war in Iraq. Iraqi international migration trends are examined to ascertain the potential influence of war on migration.... Read More about War in Iraq: environment of insecurity and international migration.

Are you experienced? 'Playing cultures', sporting rules and personal injury litigation after Caldwell v Maguire (2005)
Journal Article

This article considers the impact on the law of negligence of a series of recent cases involving injured sports participants. In particular, it focuses on the perceived and potential influences on this are of the law of the English Court of Appeal’s... Read More about Are you experienced? 'Playing cultures', sporting rules and personal injury litigation after Caldwell v Maguire.

Simulation analysis of the consequences of shifting the balance of health care: a system dynamics approach (2005)
Journal Article

Objectives: The shift in the balance of health care, bringing services 'closer to home', is a well-established trend. This study sought to provide insight into the consequences of this trend, in particular the stimulation of demand, by exploring the... Read More about Simulation analysis of the consequences of shifting the balance of health care: a system dynamics approach.

An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Maccarrone-Eaglen, A. (2005, October). An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective. Presented at Recent Developments in Tourism Research, Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Faro

The complexity of the notion of culture has been the object of multidisciplinary studies attempting, with difficulties, to attribute definitions, boundaries and classifications to this polyhedric concept expressed in symbolic representations. Culture... Read More about An insight into the product culture as a commodity for tourism, with the British National Tourist Organisation perspective.

The importance of recent scores in a forecasting model for professional golf tournaments (2005)
Journal Article
McHale, I., & Forrest, D. (2005). The importance of recent scores in a forecasting model for professional golf tournaments. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 16(2), 131-140.

In many fields of forecasting, practitioners face the problem of how to distinguish signal from noise in recent news. As an illustration of how one might approach the problem we examine, in the context of golf, the extent to which recent players' sco... Read More about The importance of recent scores in a forecasting model for professional golf tournaments.

Risk aversion in maintenance : overmaintenance and the principal-agent problem (2005)
Journal Article
Baker, R. (2005). Risk aversion in maintenance : overmaintenance and the principal-agent problem. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 17(2), 99-113.

The concept of a risk-averse maintenance policy is introduced, and two approaches to modelling it are discussed, the first being via utility functions, and the second via inflation of the costs of unscheduled failures. After introducing a general met... Read More about Risk aversion in maintenance : overmaintenance and the principal-agent problem.

Modelling the feedback effects of reconfiguring health services (2005)
Journal Article
Taylor, K., & Dangerfield, B. (2005). Modelling the feedback effects of reconfiguring health services. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 56(6), 659-675.

The shift in the balance of health care, bringing services ‘closer to home’, is a well-established trend, which has been motivated by the desire to improve the provision of services. However, these efforts may be undermined by the improvements in acc... Read More about Modelling the feedback effects of reconfiguring health services.

Odd-setters as forecasters: the case of English football (2005)
Journal Article
Forrest, D., Goddard, J., & Simmons, R. (2005). Odd-setters as forecasters: the case of English football. International Journal of Forecasting, 21(3), 551-564.

Sets of odds issued by bookmakers may be interpreted as incorporating implicit probabilistic forecasts of sporting events. Employing a sample of nearly 10 000 English football (soccer) games, we compare the effectiveness of forecasts based on publish... Read More about Odd-setters as forecasters: the case of English football.

Tricks or trompe l'oeil?: An examination [of] workplace resistance in an information rich managerial environment (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Sobreperez, P., Ferneley, E., & Wilson, F. (2005, May). Tricks or trompe l'oeil?: An examination [of] workplace resistance in an information rich managerial environment. Presented at Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Information Systems, Information Systems in a Rapidly Changing Economy, Regensburg, Germany

Management information generated by workflow information systems is often used for planning, costing, decision making and other management activities. By application of the principles of Grounded Theory, this paper summarises studies of acceptance of... Read More about Tricks or trompe l'oeil?: An examination [of] workplace resistance in an information rich managerial environment.

Information fulfillment in organisation: reflections on structures and solutions (2005)
Presentation / Conference
Burke, M. (2005, May). Information fulfillment in organisation: reflections on structures and solutions. Presented at Sixteenth Information Resources Management Association (IRMA) International Conference: Managing Modern Organizations with Information Technology, San Diego, California, USA