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Principles of programme design: joint honours - linguistics + a modern foreign language (2002)
Journal Article
Rowlett, P. (2002). Principles of programme design: joint honours - linguistics + a modern foreign language

A joint-honours programme combining linguistics and a modern foreign language needs to stand up as a respectable diet in linguistics, that is, introduce basic notions of both pure and applied linguistics early on and allow students to go on to develo... Read More about Principles of programme design: joint honours - linguistics + a modern foreign language.

Urban cycles (2002)
Digital Artefact
Peploe, G. (2002). Urban cycles. [Exhibition and Book]

The dispassionate mirror : towards a transcendental narrative in film practice (2002)
Knudsen, E. The dispassionate mirror : towards a transcendental narrative in film practice. (Thesis). University of Salford

The use of Zen - advertent or inadvertent - in the practice of artistic creation is not
new. From Japanese Haiku poetry, the early poetry of Wordsworth and even aspects
of Shakespeare's Hamlet, to the paintings of Cezanne and Dali, to the novels of... Read More about The dispassionate mirror : towards a transcendental narrative in film practice.

Introducing information and communication technologies into marginalised neighbourhoods : an exploration of the digital divide (2002)
Evans, K. Introducing information and communication technologies into marginalised neighbourhoods : an exploration of the digital divide. (Thesis). University of Salford

This research explores the development of discourses of information society and the
claims which have been made as to the transformative capacities of information and
communication technologies (ICT) in particular. It explores the experiences of gr... Read More about Introducing information and communication technologies into marginalised neighbourhoods : an exploration of the digital divide.

Italian general election of 2001: Berlusconi's victory (2002)
(2002). J. Newell (Ed.), Italian general election of 2001: Berlusconi's victory. Manchester University Press

The 2001 Italian general election transformed the Italian political landscape. Silvio Berlusconi - industrial tycoon and media mogul - and his centre-right coalition, the House of Freedoms, won an extraordinary victory. For the first time since World... Read More about Italian general election of 2001: Berlusconi's victory.

DMA portfolio (2002)
Childs, N. DMA portfolio. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

I have chosen to be assessed as an interpreter and conductor of New Music
for British Brass Band. This critical evaluation represents a summary of my
work on the four required projects of the DMA course, in which I hope to
demonstrate a high level... Read More about DMA portfolio.

British anti-communist propaganda and cooperation with the United States, 1945-1951 (2002)
Defty, A. British anti-communist propaganda and cooperation with the United States, 1945-1951. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

British anti-communist propaganda and cooperation with the
United States, 1945-1951.
This thesis will argue that from early in the Cold War
Britain developed a propaganda apparatus designed to fight the
Cold War on an ideological front, and tha... Read More about British anti-communist propaganda and cooperation with the United States, 1945-1951.

The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process (2002)
Lee, A. The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process. (Thesis). Salford : University of Salford

Increased globalised competition and the need to meet continuously changing
customer requirements has forced the UK construction industry to consider its
practice. The industry has been repeatedly criticised for its inefficiency,
fragmentation,... Read More about The development of a project process evaluation (PPE) framework that aims to measure the effectiveness of implementing a new design and construction project process.