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All Outputs (113)

Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work (2006)
Journal Article
Adam, A., Griffiths, M., Keogh, C., Moore, K., Richardson, H., & Tattersall, A. (2006). Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work. European Journal of Information Systems, 15(4), 368-378.

This paper reflects on aspects of gender and IT work. The core hypothesis is that, if technical skill and masculinity are fundamentally related, then women working in IT jobs who are, in effect, challenging masculine skills by gaining them themselves... Read More about Being an ’it’ in IT : gendered identities in IT work.

Health and risk (2006)
Book Chapter
Flynn, R. (2006). Health and risk. In G. Mythen, & S. Walklate (Eds.), Beyond the risk society: critical reflections on risk and human security (77-95). Open University Press and McGraw Hill

Heart of gold (2006)
Digital Artefact
Knudsen, E. (2006). Heart of gold. [DVD]

Set in the Akim Abuakwa region of Ghana, Heart of Gold is a poetic documentary exploring the changing relationship people in the region have with gold. Traditionally considered to possess a spirit like any other sentient being, gold has played an imp... Read More about Heart of gold.

Listening for phi: temporal proportion in recordings of Mozart’s piano sonatas (2006)
Journal Article
Warner, T. (2006). Listening for phi: temporal proportion in recordings of Mozart’s piano sonatas. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 5(8), 1000

Digital recording, editing and signal processing offer performers and producers of Western
European art music unprecedented levels of control over every sonic facet of the recorded artefact. Yet
it is often the case that the ways in which these lev... Read More about Listening for phi: temporal proportion in recordings of Mozart’s piano sonatas.

Pinski Zoo (2006)

A truly original contemporary jazz outfit from the UK. Almost impossible to categorize they swing from virtuosic jazz to gritty funk with freedom and movement, veering into leftfleld territory and returning with snappy anthem-like tunes. Unpredictabl... Read More about Pinski Zoo.

The social construction of Swedish neutrality : challenges to Swedish identity and sovereignty (2006)
Agius, C. (2006). The social construction of Swedish neutrality : challenges to Swedish identity and sovereignty. Manchester University Press

The end of the Cold War and the War on Terror has signalled a shift in the security policies of all states. It has also led to the reconsideration of the policy of neutrality, and what being neutral means in the present age. This book examines the co... Read More about The social construction of Swedish neutrality : challenges to Swedish identity and sovereignty.

Reflections on issues of power in packaged software selection (2006)
Journal Article
Light, B., & Howcroft, D. (2006). Reflections on issues of power in packaged software selection. Information Systems Journal, 16(3), 215-235.

The adoption of packaged software is becoming increasingly common in a variety of organizations and much of the packaged software literature presents this as a straightforward, linear process based on rationalistic evaluation. This paper applies the... Read More about Reflections on issues of power in packaged software selection.

Issues of computer-mediated communication for English language teaching (2006)
Journal Article
Jarvis, H. (2006). Issues of computer-mediated communication for English language teaching. British Journal of Educational Technology, 37(4), 643-645.

The growth of the English language, fuelled partially at least by the Internet, has been phenomenal. Graddol's study (2000) suggests that in the year 2000, there were about a billion English learners—but a decade later, the numbers will have doubled.... Read More about Issues of computer-mediated communication for English language teaching.

The Linguistics Strategy Group: a new professional association for linguistics (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Rowlett, P. (2006, July). The Linguistics Strategy Group: a new professional association for linguistics. Presented at Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies biennial conference Crossing Frontiers: Languages and the International Dimension, Cardiff

The talk will present the recently formed Linguistics Strategy Group. The Group is currently a small working group with support and representation from LLAS, UCML and CILT, as well as the learned societies in the various sub-areas of linguistics (the... Read More about The Linguistics Strategy Group: a new professional association for linguistics.

User resistance strategies and the problems of blanket prescriptions: a case study of resistance success (2006)
Presentation / Conference
Griffiths, M., & Light, B. (2006, June). User resistance strategies and the problems of blanket prescriptions: a case study of resistance success. Presented at 14th European Conference on Information Systems, Gotenberg, Sweden

There is a growing body of research on resistance in IS projects, a good deal of which focuses on strategies for overcoming resistance. However, within this strand of research, it appears that there is a ‘blanket prescription’ approach that does not... Read More about User resistance strategies and the problems of blanket prescriptions: a case study of resistance success.

Sea of madness (2006)
Digital Artefact
Knudsen, E. (2006). Sea of madness. [DVD]

Identical teenage twin girls, one of whom has cancer, escape their stifling middle-class home life in search of their natural father, whom they have not seen since infancy.
Their adventure, fuelled by a unique spiritual bond and aspiration, leads t... Read More about Sea of madness.

Singing detected: Blackpool and the strange case of the missing television musical dramas (2006)
Journal Article
Mundy, J. (2006). Singing detected: Blackpool and the strange case of the missing television musical dramas. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 3(1), 59-71.

Acknowledging the critical acclaim that surrounds the work of Dennis Potter in televised musical dramas including Pennies From Heaven and The Singing Detective, this article argues that the 'new television language' invented by Potter has been largel... Read More about Singing detected: Blackpool and the strange case of the missing television musical dramas.