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All Outputs (172)

Communication and the representation of thought: the use of audience directed expressions in free indirect thought representations (2009)
Journal Article
Blakemore, D. (2009). Communication and the representation of thought: the use of audience directed expressions in free indirect thought representations. Journal of Linguistics, 47(1), 1-25.

This paper examines the use of audience-directed or inherently communicative expressions(discourse markers and interjections) in free indirect thought representations
in fiction. It argues that the insights of Banfield’s (1982) no-narrator approach... Read More about Communication and the representation of thought: the use of audience directed expressions in free indirect thought representations.

The Johnson administration and the recruitment of allies in Vietnam, 1964-68 (2009)
Journal Article
Colman, J., & Widen, J. (2009). The Johnson administration and the recruitment of allies in Vietnam, 1964-68. History, 94(4), 483-504

The Vietnam War has generated a vast literature but one which has often forgotten that the United States fought in Vietnam as part of a coalition. This article examines Washington’s efforts under President Lyndon B. Johnson to recruit third country c... Read More about The Johnson administration and the recruitment of allies in Vietnam, 1964-68.

The US Embassy and British film policy, 1947-48: A 'lesser but highly explosive question’ (2009)
Journal Article
Colman, J. (2009). The US Embassy and British film policy, 1947-48: A 'lesser but highly explosive question’. Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 7(4), 413-430.

In August 1947 the British Treasury imposed a substantial tax on film imports, to conserve dollars for the purchase of essential goods from abroad. In response, the American film industry stopped exporting its product to Britain, and the US Embassy b... Read More about The US Embassy and British film policy, 1947-48: A 'lesser but highly explosive question’.

Book review : Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (eds.) (2008). Teaching visual literacy: Using comic books, graphic novels, anime, cartoons, and more to develop comprehension and thinking skills.Thousand Oaks, California Corwin Press. 195 pages. ISBN 978-1-4129-5311-5, 978-1-4129-5312-2 (2009)
Journal Article
Rodriguez, J., & Hernandez Perez, M. (2009). Book review : Nancy Frey & Douglas Fisher (eds.) (2008). Teaching visual literacy: Using comic books, graphic novels, anime, cartoons, and more to develop comprehension and thinking skills.Thousand Oaks, California Corwin Press. 195 pages. ISBN 978-1-4129-5311-5, 978-1-4129-5312-2. International Journal of English Studies, 9(2), 171-174

The scum bag (2009)

Novel for 14+
Self-conscious, studious Julia is bowled over by the arrival of Peter Groves, the Greek God, known to all his friends as Ami. He’s a real catch and Julia seems to be the one reeling him in. With a little bit of help from her scatty,... Read More about The scum bag.

The man who never was? The Italian transition and 2008 election (2009)
Journal Article
Newell, J. (2009). The man who never was? The Italian transition and 2008 election. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 14(4), 395-412.

The implications for the co-called Italian transition of the 2008 election initially seemed significant – but have since become increasingly uncertain as Berlusconi's conflict of interests has risen higher up the political agenda. This underscores th... Read More about The man who never was? The Italian transition and 2008 election.

Visible narratives (2009)
Presentation / Conference
Rooney, J. (2009, November). Visible narratives. Presented at Typographic Horizons, Birmingham City University

This project is created from digital recordings of the gesture. A Visible Narrative is the unseen path created by the pattern of gesture we make during the moment language. This is a deliberate strategy to place the focus of the viewer on images crea... Read More about Visible narratives.

Spooked (2009)

There’s always something a bit scary about a ghost story. Somehow, though, when you read a collection of them you’re expecting to meet a spook or two. It takes a little more effort to frighten the reader.
We hope we’ve managed to do just that with... Read More about Spooked.

New approaches to the development of telecommunications infrastructures in Europe? The evolution of European Union policy for next generation networks (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In May 2009, the European Commission released a draft consultation document on the application of state aid rules to broadband network deployment, leaving open the possibility of significant state aid intervention. However, this paper argues that th... Read More about New approaches to the development of telecommunications infrastructures in Europe? The evolution of European Union policy for next generation networks.

The creation of FRONTEX and the politics of institutionalisation in the EU external borders policy (2009)
Journal Article
Leonard, S. (2009). The creation of FRONTEX and the politics of institutionalisation in the EU external borders policy. Journal of Contemporary European Research, 5(3), 371-388

In a context of high politicization, if not securitization, of asylum and migration in Europe, the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the EU – also known under its acronym FRO... Read More about The creation of FRONTEX and the politics of institutionalisation in the EU external borders policy.

Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity (2009)
Journal Article
Bekerman, M., Spencer, A., & Roca, I. (2009). Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity. Linguistic Review, 9(1), 27-68.

The article examines vowel alternations in Slavic languages on the basis of Polish CVC - CC alternations mostly involving the vowel 'e'. It links the phenomenon to prosodic structures of Slavic languages and tries to resolve the issue by employing a... Read More about Polish Yers and Lexical Syllabicity.

‘Crippled with nerves’: popular music and polio, with particular reference to Ian Dury (2009)
Journal Article
McKay, G. (2009). ‘Crippled with nerves’: popular music and polio, with particular reference to Ian Dury. Popular Music, 28(3), 341-365.

This article looks at a remarkable cluster of popular musicians who contracted and survived poliomyelitis (‘infantile paralysis’) epidemics through the twentieth century, and ways in which they managed and, to varying extents, explored their polio-re... Read More about ‘Crippled with nerves’: popular music and polio, with particular reference to Ian Dury.

Vainilla chip (2009)
Digital Artefact
Knudsen, E. (2009). Vainilla chip. [Film]

Set in the small Cuban town of San Antonio de los Baños, just outside Havana, Vainilla Chip tells the story of an ordinary day for an elderly ice cream maker, Javier Rodriguez Casanova. An ordinary day which, like all the other ordinary days, has bec... Read More about Vainilla chip.